rogershen / chrome-regex-search

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Typing Japanese directly into the search gives zero results #33

Open skeets23 opened 5 years ago

skeets23 commented 5 years ago

It looks like if I copy Japanese text and paste it directly into the search, it works. (test: copy this into the search: ひらがな)

However, if I type the Japanese directly into the regex search box, it comes up with zero results. (I guess to test this, you need to be able to type in Japanese)

skeets23 commented 5 years ago

In Japanese, it takes 2-3 keystrokes to produce a single character. It seems if you type fast enough, the search sometimes works. But once it stops working, nothing will get it to work again until you close and reopen the search.

rogershen commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I don't really know how to improve the performance when there are a lot of matches. What I can suggest is that you turn off instantResults in the extension options. This makes it so that it only searches when you press Enter.

skeets23 commented 5 years ago

Just to be clear, the problem isn't "a lot of matches". The problem is that it's finding "zero results", when there should be results. When typing in Japanese, hitting a key produces a roman (english) letter, and then pressing another key after that replaces that english letter with a Japanese character. That seems to be messing it up. (is it tracking keystrokes instead of using the content in the actual input? That wouldn't work for Japanese)

However, turning off instant results also solves the problem. :D