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Visual Studio Code - 30+ #261

Open rogerxu opened 2 years ago

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.30

Visual Studio Code November 2018

Multiline search input

Type Shift+Enter in the search box to insert a newline, and the search box will grow to show your full multiline query.

Custom title and menu bar on Linux by default

Scrolling menus

Menu bar overflow menu

References view

Snippet comment variables

Declaration versus definition

Highlighting of Markdown elements in JSDoc comments

Debugging from the Process Explorer

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.31

Visual Studio Code January 2019

No reload on extension install

New tree widget

Improved keyboard navigation

There are now three different types of keyboard navigation in trees: simple, highlight, and filter.

Hierarchical Select All

Pressing Ctrl+A (Cmd+A on macOS) in a tree will now expand the tree's selection in a hierarchical fashion.

Improved the Go menu

We added more navigation actions to the Go menu to make them easier to discover.

Multiline Problems output

See full multiline issue details in the Problems panel.

You can also toggle to show or hide the complete message using either the collapse/expand buttons or the Problems: Show message in single line and Problems: Show message in multiple lines commands.

Fast scrolling

Pressing the Alt key enables fast scrolling in the editor and Explorers. By default, fast scrolling uses a 5X speed multiplier but you can control the multiplier with the Editor: Fast Scroll Sensitivity (editor.fastScrollSensitivity) setting.

Screencast Mode

There is a new Screencast Mode in VS Code, which highlights the cursor position and keystrokes. Screencast Mode (Developer: Toggle Screencast Mode) can be useful for demonstration purposes.

References history

There is now a References: Show History command for the References view. It brings up Quick Pick with previous searches allowing speedy reruns of previous searches.

Semantic selection for HTML, CSS, and JSON

Expand/shrink selection based on language semantics.

Integrated Terminal reflow support

The terminal will now wrap and unwrap lines when it is resized horizontally.

Command-based user input variables

Custom user input for task and debug configuration.

Updated Extension API documentation

Completely rewritten with extension guides.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.32

Visual Studio Code February 2019

Preview and apply new themes

You can now preview and apply color and file icon themes immediately after installing an extension that contributes them.

Keyboard Shortcuts editor

Hover and Problems peek improvements

A command bar with Quick Fix and Peek Problem actions was added to the Problems hover.

Auto fix and preferred Code Actions

When a preferred fix is available, a blue badge is added to the lightbulb. Preferred fixes can be automatically applied using the Auto Fix command (Shift+Alt+.).

Auto Fix Lightbulb

Fix All Source Actions

Default keybinding change for expandLineSelection

The command expandLineSelection is now bound by default to Ctrl+L (Cmd+L on macOS) and not to Ctrl+I (Cmd+I).

Improved column selection

With the Multi Cursor Modifier setting configured to use Ctrl (Cmd on macOS) "editor.multiCursorModifier": "ctrlCmd", and thus the Alt modifier is only used for Go to Definition, it is now possible to press the Alt modifier when dragging a selection in the editor to toggle between a regular selection or a column selection.

Improved HTML IntelliSense for ARIA attribute

VS Code now shows descriptions for ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) attributes and DOM events.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.33

Visual Studio Code March 2019

Easy Display Language selection

Quick Pick to choose between installed locales.

Configurable IntelliSense display

Filter out elements like keywords or remove displayed icons.

Choose default formatter

Set default document formatter by project and language.

editor.defaultFormatter when there are multiple formatters available, you can define one as the default.

Go to Definition locations

Open Peek view and/or navigate to primary location.

ConPTY turned on by default on Windows build 18309+

Convert to destructured parameters

New TS refactoring to use named parameter objects.

Debugging support for subsessions

In Node.js cluster debugging, all subprocesses of a cluster are registered under the main debug session:

Debugger Subsessions

Launch URI with debug session

Automatically open a browser when debugging web server code.

VS Code looks for the trigger message not only in the Debug Console but also in the Integrated Terminal.

Install missing extension dependencies

Detect and offer to install missing dependencies.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.34

Visual Studio Code April 2019

Stable CodeLens

VS Code now optimistically caches CodeLens locations and restores them immediately after switching editors. This fixes an issue where CodeLens lines would shift slightly when switching between editors.

Terminate all tasks

The Tasks: Terminate Task command has a new option to terminate all tasks if there are multiple tasks running. If this is an action you do often, you can create a keyboard shortcut for the command with the terminateAll argument.

  "key": "ctrl+k t",
  "command": "workbench.action.tasks.terminate",
  "args": "terminateAll"

Automatically show Problems panel

The new revealProblems task property allows you to automatically show the Problems panel. The property values are always, never, and onProblem.

  "version": "2.0.0",
  "tasks": [
      "type": "npm",
      "script": "watch",
      "problemMatcher": "$tsc-watch",
      "isBackground": true,
      "presentation": {
        "reveal": "always",
        "revealProblems": "onProblem"
rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.35

Visual Studio Code May 2019

Go to Definition improvements

Smart selection for JavaScript and TypeScript

JavaScript and TypeScript now support smart selection. This feature uses semantic knowledge to intelligently expand selections for expressions, types, statements, classes, and imports.

True color support

The terminal now supports programs that use true color (24-bit) escape sequences, rendering the correct color instead of the previous approximation of it.

Compare merge conflicts with complete context

A new setting merge-conflict.diffViewPosition allows you to open the diff view in a new editor group when you compare merge conflicts. In addition, the new view shows the complete diff view of the changed file, which provides better context for the merge conflicts.

Compare merge conflicts in a new editor group

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.36

Visual Studio Code June 2019

Hide/show status bar items


Indent guides in explorers

The tree widget now supports indent guides. This means indent guides are now available in the File Explorer, Search view, Debug views, etc.



Drag and drop a folder to copy


Better terminal shell selector

Easily select the default shell to use in the Integrated Terminal.


Sequential task execution

Control the order of task and subtask execution.

The dependsOn task attribute still defaults to running all dependencies in parallel, but now you can specify "dependsOrder": "sequence" and have your task dependencies executed in the order they are listed in dependsOn.

    "label": "One",
    "type": "shell",
    "command": "echo Hello ",
    "dependsOrder": "sequence",

Jump to cursor debugging

Skip code execution as you jump to a new location.

Disable debug console word wrap

Lets you keep debugging output to one line.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.37

Visual Studio Code July 2019

Full product icon refresh

New modern icons across all of VS Code.

Edit string arrays in the Settings UI

Add to string arrays directly from the Settings editor.

Reveal search result in File Explorer

Quickly jump to file locations in the File Explorer.


Show whitespace in selection

See whitespace characters just for selected text.


  "editor.renderWhitespace": "selection"

Find and Replace preserves casing

Replace text without losing letter casing.


Terminal search UX improvements

More intuitive bottom-up search order for the terminal.

Previously searching within the terminal would start at the top of the terminal's viewport and search downwards. When it reached the bottom, it would wrap to the top. The new behavior aligns with several other terminal emulators and starts from the bottom of the buffer and searches upwards, leading to a much less disorienting experience.

Better SCSS @import navigation

VS Code now checks more locations for SCSS files.

Remote Development tutorials

New step-by-step tutorials for working over SSH and in WSL.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.38

Visual Studio Code August 2019

Preserve case for global search and replace

Keep letter casing across multi-file search/replace.

Settings editor string array validation

Checks min, max, enum values, and glob patterns.

Adjust cursor surrounding lines

Keep your cursor centered in the editor.

Copy and revert in the diff editor

Easily copy or restore deleted content.

Go to Line supports negative line numbers

Quickly jump to the end of a file.

MDN Reference link for HTML and CSS

Links to MDN documentation directly from IntelliSense.

Add missing await Quick Fix

Find overlooked awaits in asynchronous code.

Debugging data breakpoints

Debugger breaks when tracked values change.

VS Code icon repository

Official product icons available for extension authors.

Alpine Linux distro support

Both for the Remote WSL and Containers extensions.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.39

Visual Studio Code September 2019

Text selections displayed in minimap

See selection regions in the minimap overview.

Minimap displays the editor selection

Toggle region folding keyboard shortcut

Quickly expand and collapse regions with Toggle Fold.

You can now expand and collapse a folding region with the Toggle Fold (Ctrl+K Ctrl+L) command.

Source Control tree view

Display pending changes in either a list or new tree view.

Source Control toggle view mode button

Open terminal in custom working directory

Add keyboard shortcuts for specific folders.

HTML ARIA attribute reference links

Links to ARIA documentation directly from IntelliSense.

CSS property completions include semicolons

Semicolons added as you enter CSS properties.

CSS property completion semicolon

CSS color variables preview

Color variable completions display color swatch.

Improved column breakpoint UI

View possible inline breakpoints directly in your source code.

Inline breakpoints

Inline debug actions in CALL STACK view

Stay in context with debug actions on hover.

Remote Explorer updates

Explorer now displays WSL distros and repository containers.