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Visual Studio Code - 40+ #262

Open rogerxu opened 2 years ago

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.40

Visual Studio Code October 2019

Fast scroll support

The terminal now supports Alt with mouse wheel to scroll faster based on the multiplier defined in the editor.fastScrollSensitivity setting.

Git: Improved untracked files management

You can now manage untracked files separately by using the Git: Untracked Changes setting. Choose the separate option, if you'd like to see untracked files in a separate group in the Source Control view. Choose hidden if you'd like to never see them. The default commit action will adjust itself to this setting and will only include untracked changes in a commit when using the mixed setting value.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.41

Visual Studio Code November 2019

Compact folders in Explorer

Single child folders collapsed by default.

Setting explorer.compactFolders controls this behavior. By default, this setting is turned on.


Edit left side of diff views

You can now edit both files in a difference view.


Update search results while typing

Global search results update while you type.

Problems panel improvements

Filter by problem type and limit output to the active file.

Minimap highlights errors and content changes

Quickly locate problems and changes in your file.

Terminal minimum contrast ratio

Set preferred contrast ratio for increased visibility.

HTML mirror cursor in tags

Automatic multi-cursor in matching HTML tags. This behavior is controlled by the setting html.mirrorCursorOnMatchingTag, which is on by default.

You can now use F2 to rename the opening/closing tag pairs in HTML.


Optional chaining in JS/TS

Use the ?. operator to simplify working with nested structures.

Extract interface refactoring

Quickly extract an inline type to a TypeScript interface.

Semicolon formatter options for JavaScript and TypeScript

The new javascript.format.semicolons and typescript.format.semicolons formatting settings let you control how the formatter handles semicolons in JavaScript and TypeScript files.

Valid semicolon format settings values are:

Remote - Containers extension

Better support for opening repositories in Docker containers.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.42

Visual Studio Code January 2020

Rename preview

See pending renames in a diff view and easily accept or reject changes.

When renaming, you can confirm a new name via Shift+Enter and see the Refactor Preview panel.

Open editors limit

Set the maximum number of editors open at one time.

Untitled editor titles

Untitled editors will use the content of the first line of the document for the editor title and include the generic name as the description.

Default language mode

VS Code has a setting, files.defaultLanguage, to configure a default language for untitled files. With this release, the setting can take a new value {activeEditorLanguage} that will dynamically use the language mode of the currently active editor instead of a fixed default.

Panel placement

Move the panel (Output, Terminal) to the left, right, or below the editor.

Auto switch Theme based on OS color scheme

Windows and macOS now support light and dark color schemes. There is a new setting, window.autoDetectColorScheme, that instructs VS Code to listen to changes to the OS's color scheme and switch to a matching theme accordingly.

Folded code highlighting

Quickly find folded regions with new background highlight.


Simplified initial Debug view


Debug Console improvements

Syntax highlighting

Debug Console input supports syntax coloring, indentation, auto closing of quotes, and other language features.


Input/output presentation

VS Code displays an arrow only next to the input expression.


Debug Console input history suggestions

The Debug Console input box now automatically suggests previously entered entries.


Hide Debug Console after debugging

debug.console.closeOnEnd that controls whether the Debug Console should automatically close after debugging has stopped.

Support for console.table(...)


Debug Activity Bar icon and decoration

When debugging, there is a number decoration on the Debug icon to show the count of active debug sessions.


Define global tasks

Tasks declared in tasks.json are now supported at the User Settings level.

Run the Tasks: Open User Tasks command to create user level tasks and these tasks will be available across all folders and workspaces. Only the shell and process task types are supported here.

Java extension updates

Java support for Data Breakpoints and Call Hierarchy view.

Remote Development

New Forwarded Ports view for mapping SSH and Containers ports.

New Containers tutorials

Learn how to create and deploy Docker containers.

Preview features

First looks at the Timeline view, Search editor, semantic highlighting, and more.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.43

Visual Studio Code February 2020

Search Editors

Search and save your global search results in a full-sized editor.

Search Editors

Draggable sash corners

Easily change the editor layout by dragging sash corners.

Linux screen reader support

VS Code now supports the Orca screen reader.

Minimap sizing options

New options to fit or fill the minimap vertical layout.

There is a new setting, editor.minimap.size, which controls how the minimap uses vertical space:

Column selection mode

Column mode toggle lets you quickly select blocks of text.

There is a new global toggle, accessible via the Selection > Column Selection Mode menu item. Once this mode is entered, as indicated in the Status bar, the mouse gestures and the arrow keys will create a column selection.

Column selection mode

Display whitespace on selection

The default value of the editor.renderWhitespace setting has changed from none to selection.

Definition links in Peek

By default, Go to Definition via mouse opens a separate editor but with the new setting editor.definitionLinkOpensInPeek as true, the gesture will open in a Peek view.

Unfold anywhere on a folded line

There's a new setting Editor: Unfold On Click After End of Line (editor.unfoldOnClickAfterEndOfLine) that controls what happens when you click in the empty space to the right of a folded line (after the ...). When set to true, you can click anywhere after the text on the folded line and not worry about exactly selecting the ellipses (...).

folded line with ellipses

Multiple rulers with different colors

The existing editor.rulers setting has been extended to allow defining rulers that have custom colors.

"editor.rulers": [
    { "column": 80, "color": "#ffff00" },
    { "column": 120, "color": "#ff0000" },

Multiple rulers

Convert to template string

Convert concatenations to JavaScript/TypeScript template strings.

JS/TS Call Hierarchy view

Review all calls to or from a function and drill into callers of callers.

Call Hierarchy view

Remote Development

Support for Windows and macOS SSH hosts, SSH connection sharing.

Settings Sync preview

Settings Sync lets you share settings and keybindings across machines.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.44

Visual Studio Code March 2020

Accessibility improvements

Easier diff view navigation, clearer role designations for UI controls.

Timeline view

See time-series events like Git commit history from within VS Code.

Timeline view

Better Quick Open for files

Navigate smoothly from files to symbols, filter files by folder name.

Navigate from files to symbols

You can now continue to navigate to the symbols of a file result simply by typing @. For the file that is currently selected, all symbols will appear and the editor will open in the background to reveal the active symbol. You can group symbols by category by following @ with :.

Filter results by separating multiple queries with spaces

You can narrow down results by folder if you type <file name> <folder name> one after the other.

Input is preserved when switching providers

Sort editor history by most recently used

A new setting "search.quickOpen.history.filterSortOrder": "recency" allows you to sort editor history by the most recently opened items, even when starting to search.

New command to open editor to the side

By default, Ctrl+Enter will open the file to the side in a new editor group, rather than in the current one.

Extension Pack display

Quickly see what is bundled in an Extension Pack.


Adjust height of editor tabs scroll bar

A new setting workbench.editor.titleScrollbarSizing lets you increase the size of the scroll bar for editor tabs and breadcrumbs. This makes it easier to scroll through a long list of open editors.


Persisted Undo/Redo stack

Undo/Redo stack preserved for reopened files.

VS Code will now keep the Undo/Redo stack of a file when the file is closed. When the file is reopened, if its contents hasn't changed since it was closed, the Undo/Redo stack will be restored.

Remote Development

Directly check out Pull Requests into containers, support for Kubernetes.

Settings Sync preview

Settings Sync now lets you share snippets and UI state across machines.

New Python tutorials

Tutorials for creating Python containers and building Data Science models.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.45

Visual Studio Code April 2020

Accessibility improvements

Focus commands to navigate the workbench, status bar accessibility.

Switch editor tabs via mouse wheel

Quickly switch files in the editor using your mouse wheel.

You can press and hold the Shift key while scrolling to get the opposite behavior (for example, you can switch editor tabs even when the workbench.editor.scrollToSwitchTabs setting is off).

Faster syntax highlighting

Programming language colorization is up to 3 times faster.

Custom semantic colors

Change semantic token colors through your user settings.

GitHub authentication support

Automatic GitHub authentication for GitHub repositories.

You can disable GitHub authentication with the git.githubAuthentication setting. You can also disable the terminal authentication integration with the git.terminalAuthentication setting.

Inline diff is now editable

You can now edit inside the quick diff editor, when previewing changes in a file.

Editable inline diff

GitHub Issues integration

Inline hovers and suggestions for GitHub issues and users.

Remote Development

Container configuration recommendations, WSL 2 support.

JavaScript debugger preview

CPU profiling, improved Auto Attach to Node.js processes.

Enable by debug.javascript.usePreview setting.

New Docker Compose topic

Learn how to use Docker Compose to work with multiple containers.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.46

Visual Studio Code May 2020

Accessibility improvements

Status bar navigation, easier keyboard text selection.

Flexible view and panel layout

Move and group views in the Side Bar and Panel.

Pinned editor tabs

Pin editors in the title bar to keep frequently used files handy.

Add GitHub remotes

Add GitHub remotes to your local repository.

Automatic debugger configuration

Save and modify generated debug configurations.π

JavaScript CommonJS auto imports

Auto imports will now use require for CommonJS modules.

JS/TS refactorings preserve newlines

Formatting is preserved during refactoring operations.

Settings Sync preview

New Synced Machines and Data views to manage your preferences.

GitHub Issue Notebooks

Run GitHub issue queries and display results in a custom Notebook.

Windows ARM64 support

New VS Code Insiders ARM64 builds are available.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.47

Visual Studio Code June 2020

Accessibility improvements

New screen reader capabilities.

Windows ARM builds

Windows on ARM is now available in stable.

New JavaScript debugger

Debug in the terminal, profiling support.

Source Control unified view

All repositories displayed in a single view.

View and sort pending changes

View files as a tree or list, sort by name, path, or status.

Edit complex settings

Edit object settings from the Settings editor.


New HexEditor extension

Edit files in hexadecimal format from within VS Code.

Notebook UI updates

Improved UX and undo/redo support.

Java Pack Installer for macOS

Get set up to develop in Java with VS Code on macOS.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.48

Visual Studio Code July 2020

Settings Sync to Stable

Settings Sync is now available for preview in stable.

Updated Extensions view menu

Simplified menu with additional filtering options.

New Git View submenus

Refactored overflow menu for Git in the Source Control view.

Updated in-browser debugging

Debug in the browser without writing a launch configuration.

A new Debug: Open Link command has been added to quickly debug any URL. Previously, to debug a browser, you had to install the Debugger for Chrome extension and write a launch.json config file to debug a page. This command allows you to debug any URL without needing additional launch configurations.

Publish a public repository

Choose whether to publish to a public or private GitHub repository.

Notebook UX updates

New Cell menu, enhanced drag and drop.

New Remote Container topics

Learn how to attach to a container and create a new dev container.

Java lightweight mode

Start working with your Java source files more quickly.

rogerxu commented 2 years ago

Release version 1.49

Visual Studio Code August 2020

Format modified text

Limit formatting to just the code you've changed.

Only show trailing whitespace

There is a new option trailingfor the editor setting editor.renderWhitespace to only show trailing whitespace.

"editor.renderWhitespace": "trailing"

Change casing on Search and Replace

Change text casing during global Search and Replace.

Source Control repositories view

Display pending changes per repository.

Filter Debug Console output

Quickly filter and find debugging output.

Improved JS debugger Auto Attach

"Smart" Auto Attach to Node.js scripts or test runners.

"debug.javascript.autoAttachFilter": "smart"


TypeScript optional chaining refactoring

Convert multiple checks to a concise optional chain.

JSDoc @deprecated tag support

IntelliSense clearly shows APIs marked as deprecated.

 * @deprecated Use `getMode()` instead.
export function mode() { ... }

Notebook UX updates

Cell Status bar contributions, enhanced notebook diff editor.