rogierhofboer / com.ikea.tradfri.gateway

Athom Homey App for the IKEA Tradfri Gateway
MIT License
18 stars 21 forks source link

After a while the app reports Error #29

Closed mhoogenbosch closed 3 years ago

mhoogenbosch commented 5 years ago

Sometimes the communication with the hub stops. It only reports an error when trying to turn on / off the lights.

At that time the 'normal' ikea app still works and can turn on and off the lights. When i restart the app from homey it starts working again.

Is there a way to troubleshoot? It is not a wifi problem because the normal app still works and I only need to reboot the ikea app.

Currently working around it by rebooting the app every hour.

PascalBu commented 5 years ago

Same here, Homey app is randomly crashing while IKEA app etc keeps working...

mhoogenbosch commented 5 years ago


After rebooting the app, it starts working again.

Seems to happen more often when i use the relative-dim setting.

Last edit: I now have a restart of the app in every flow where I switch these lights. That solves the unexpected state of the lights.

jpligthart commented 5 years ago

Same issue here! Is quite annoying so would be great if this could be fixed! For me restart did not work... So I have even a bigger problem!

After second restart attempt it works again ... Please fix this! The app is a must have for me...
martijnvg30 commented 5 years ago

Same issue here, sadly a reboot did not fix it.

PascalBu commented 5 years ago

Update from own experience: a reset of the Tradfri hub itself fixed my issues! Stupid that I did not think of this before... 😴

martijnvg30 commented 5 years ago

That is what works for me as well. But then after a reboot of the tradfri gateway I need to re- authenticate the homey app. If this could be fixed, that would be awesome, and if we can contribute in any way then please let me know.

json81 commented 4 years ago

Fixed in v0.1.2 and should be closed.

esp0 commented 3 years ago

This still happens in v0.1.2. Are there any logs somewhere that I can look at/send somewhere?

rogierhofboer commented 3 years ago

I see it happen and get crash reports, but no-one really reported it directly to me. It seems to happen inside node-tradfri-client:

      throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: unexpected response (4.00) to observeDevice(65568): [object Object]
    at TradfriClient.handleNonSuccessfulResponse (/node_modules/node-tradfri-client/build/tradfri-client.js:750:32)
    at TradfriClient.observeDevice_callback (/node_modules/node-tradfri-client/build/tradfri-client.js:389:23)
    at PendingRequest.handleResponse [as callback] (/node_modules/node-tradfri-client/build/tradfri-client.js:346:41)
    at Function.onMessage (/node_modules/node-coap-client/build/CoapClient.js:631:33)
    at SocketWrapper.emit (events.js:311:20)
    at Socket.<anonymous> (/node_modules/node-coap-client/build/lib/SocketWrapper.js:12:18)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:311:20)
    at Socket.udp_onMessage (/node_modules/node-dtls-client/build/dtls.js:189:34)
    at Socket.emit (events.js:311:20)
    at UDP.onMessage [as onmessage] (dgram.js:924:8)
Emitted 'error' event on TradfriClient instance at:
    at TradfriClient.handleNonSuccessfulResponse (/node_modules/node-tradfri-client/build/tradfri-client.js:750:18)
    at TradfriClient.observeDevice_callback (/node_modules/node-tradfri-client/build/tradfri-client.js:389:23)
    [... lines matching original stack trace ...]
    at UDP.onMessage [as onmessage] (dgram.js:924:8)
rogierhofboer commented 3 years ago

Duplicate of #20