rogro82 / PiPup

Enhanced notifications for Android TV
237 stars 71 forks source link

almost fabulous :) #23

Closed bebo-dot-dev closed 3 years ago

bebo-dot-dev commented 3 years ago

Thank you for your work. This is so close to working perfectly on my Sony Bravia XE85 but for some reason the app / service fails to automatically start on boot. I can see that it tries to start but it doesn't fully start and the process ends shortly after boot presumably due to a crash of some sort.

When manually started the app works perfectly and for the moment I've resorted to manually starting it up via a shell script that goes via ADB.

Any help to work out what's going on with the auto startup fail would be very much appreciated.

bebo-dot-dev commented 3 years ago

Sorry never mind, all seems fine now. It must have been a temporary me / my Bravia problem.