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Support for plain text input from Typinator. #302

Open BillDStrong opened 7 years ago

BillDStrong commented 7 years ago

Typinator is a useful text expansion tool that comes with a large set of available preset text snippets, such as the color emoji set and the zip code set. All of these sets come by default as a plain text insertion mode.

This mode does not work in It does work in terminal nvim using iTerm2.

Typinator offers 4 input modes, Plain text, Formatted Text, Picture, HTML.

Of these 4, Plain Text, Formatted Text and HTML work in nvim.

Formatted Text and HTML both work in

While creating new snippets, I can select one of the options that work, but I don't want to go through the 40,000 zip codes plus others to make those work

Obviously, Picture should not work.

I assume wants at least parity with the termival version on issues like this.

Thanks for all the great work.

Bill D Strong