rohams / capstone

Capstone project
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insertion(routes, breaks) #13

Closed rohams closed 10 years ago

rohams commented 10 years ago

insertion(routes, breaks) function was initially designed as a post processing function but due to the strong results will now be used as the only mutation operation in the new method.

Description: The function is implemented in MATLAB (it is called post_processing in MATLAB). For each route (called primary route) starting from the first visiting store, the function takes out the store from the route and inserts it in all possible locations of the other routes (called secondary routes) one at a time and checks if it improves the fitness_value of that solution. if it does, the store is displaced into the secondary route and then the function starts over from the beginning. The function terminates when no improvement happens after looping through all the primary routes.

rohams commented 10 years ago

fixed the bugs.