rohan8594 / DS-Algos

Solutions to DS, Algos, Leetcode, etc.
MIT License
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Implement DS, Algorithms, Leetcode questions #1

Open rohan8594 opened 3 years ago

rohan8594 commented 3 years ago

I'm trying to build a repo where I can maintain solutions to various DS, algorithms, leetcode, and ctci questions. My goal for this repo is that it should be able help developers in their preparation for technical interviews.

I've already added solutions to a number of questions that I had solved when I was preparing for interviews, and looking to further extending this. As part of Hacktoberfest, I'm looking for contributions in the form of solutions to questions/algorithms that may be currently missing from this repo.

Solutions should be in Python or Java, as I'm trying to keep this repo down to just two languages. If there is a question/algo you want to take up, pls comment below and create a separate issue for the question/algo you are taking up. I will try to put up a contribution guide very shortly in the root of the repo. Pls follow that while creating a PR.

Swarn10 commented 3 years ago

@rohan8594 I think that this repo will be really beneficial for interview preparation 👍 . I would like to contribute the Valid Sudoku problem from LeetCode to this repository. This problem is currently missing from the repo. Should I raise an issue and ask for assign ?

Amulya-coder commented 3 years ago

@rohan8594 I want to add more Linked Lists. Could you assign it to me.

rohan8594 commented 3 years ago

@rohan8594 I want to add more Linked Lists. Could you assign it to me.

@Amulya-coder Please create a separate issue with the linked list questions/algos you are looking to add. I will assign it to you.

Poobalan1210 commented 3 years ago

I would like to add doubly linked list in python to the repo can you assign me this issue

Hinal-Srivastava commented 3 years ago

Hi! I'd like to add Interpolation and Exponential Search.

rohan8594 commented 3 years ago

@Hinal-Srivastava @Poobalan1210 Please go through the readme and contribution guides and create a separate issue for the questions/algorithms you want to take up. I will assign them to you.

TestPrab commented 3 years ago Can I do this ? @rohan8594

rohan8594 commented 3 years ago

@TestPrab this question is already solved and present in the repo. Pls try to pick another question/algo thats not already solved.