rohanpm / ngitcached

A caching git proxy
MIT License
36 stars 9 forks source link

Fix truncated strings during clone #8

Closed rohanpm closed 12 years ago

rohanpm commented 12 years ago

Sometimes, when doing "git clone" manual tests with the proxy, some output is oddly truncated. Example: (2nd line)

  remote: Counting objects: 2063, done.
  remote: essing objects: 100% (1126/1126), done.
  remote: Total 2063 (delta 1247), reused 1380 (delta 931)
  remote: Receiving objects: 100% (2063/2063), 1.93 MiB | 300 KiB/s, done.
  remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1247/1247), done.

The reason is unclear. Note the text comes from the same stream as the incoming packfile, and corruption in the packfile has never been observed.