rohanprasadofficial / Algorithms

These are implementation of some algorithms that are taught to an undergrad student.
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Add graph algorithms #1

Open rohanprasadofficial opened 3 years ago

NidhiNivedita6 commented 3 years ago

Can I add Newton Raphson Method in C?

Mayankjha997 commented 3 years ago

Hello sir! I would like to add lagrange interpolation method in c++ language

rohanprasadofficial commented 3 years ago

Yes go ahead create a new folder as "Graph Algorithms" and then make a PR, make sure that you write clean commented code @NidhiNivedita6 @Mayankjha997

Mayankjha997 commented 3 years ago

@rohanprasadofficial is this contribution will add up in hacktoberfest contribution.

predator4hack commented 3 years ago

Can I add the Union-Find Algorithm?

pbuggaveeti28 commented 3 years ago

Can I add Divide and Conquer algorithms?

rohanprasadofficial commented 3 years ago

Hey Everyone, you all write clean code and do a PR I will review them once tonight and approve them if its a good once ?

Make sure that you don't add duplicate request.

Remember to add code in python as it is a python codebase. For C++ checkout :

Mayankjha997 commented 3 years ago

@rohanprasadofficial please merge my PR #3