rohban-lab / Knowledge_Distillation_AD

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inquire about the issue of loading the 'mvtec' dataset #16

Open wangxin-fighting opened 12 months ago

wangxin-fighting commented 12 months ago

Hello, I encountered the following issue in "test_functions. py while reading your code and want to consult with you:

"def detection_Test (model, vgg, testdataloader, config): Normal Class=config ["normalclass"] Lamda=config ['lamda '] Dataset Name=config ['datasetname '] Direction_ Only=config ['direction_lossonly '] If dataset Name= Mvtec: Target Class=normal Class Else: Mvtec Good Dict={'bottle ': 3,'cable': 5,'capsule ': 2,'carpet': 2, 'grid': 3, 'hazelnut': 2, 'other': 4, 'metal Nut ': 3,' pipe ': 5, 'raw': 0, 'tile': 2, 'tootbrush': 1, 'transient': 3, 'wood': 2, 'zipper': 4 } Target Class=mvtec Good Dict [normal_class]"

In this, I want to know what 3, 5, 2, 2, 3, 2, 4, 3, 5, 0, 2, 1, 3, 2, 4 refers to? Because he is different from the number of abnormal species I imagined. Looking forward to your reply and wishing you a happy life!

SMSD75 commented 11 months ago

Hi, It has been two years since the code was released; so I can't exactly remember. But, is that part used in any section of the code?