rohban-lab / Knowledge_Distillation_AD

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About the localization methods #18

Closed FFFox-abc closed 10 months ago

FFFox-abc commented 10 months ago

When I test the localization method, the RocAUC is different every time. the results are fluctuate within 0.5 roughly. my config is:

Data parameters

experiment_name: 'localization_local_equal_net' dataset_name: mvtec # [mnist, fashionmnist, cifar10, mvtec, retina] last_checkpoint: 600

Training parameters

num_epochs: 601 # mnist/fashionmnist:51, cifar10:201, mvtec:601 batch_size: 32 learning_rate: 1e-3 mvtec_img_size: 128

normal_class: 'toothbrush' # mvtec:'capsule', mnist:3

lamda: 0.5 # mvtec:0.5, Others:0.01

pretrain: True # True:use pre-trained vgg as source network --- False:use random initialize use_bias: False # True:using bias term in neural network layer equal_network_size: False # True:using equal network size for cloner and source network --- False:smaller network for cloner direction_loss_only: False continue_train: True

Test parameters

localization_test: True # True:For Localization Test --- False:For Detection localization_method: 'smooth_grad' # gradients , smooth_grad , gbp

FFFox-abc commented 10 months ago

fix random seed