rohit-px2 / nvui

A modern frontend for Neovim.
MIT License
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Missing Icons in Gutter #152

Open ldelossa opened 1 year ago

ldelossa commented 1 year ago


I'm trying out nvui and its been nice.

One issue I am having is I place diagnostic glyphs in the gutter. They seem to have some trouble rendering: image

vim.api.nvim_command('sign define DiagnosticSignError text=🄴  texthl=Error linehl= numhl=')
vim.api.nvim_command('sign define DiagnosticSignWarn text=🅆  texthl=Warning linehl= numhl=')
vim.api.nvim_command('sign define DiagnosticSignInfo text=🄸  texthl=Warning linehl= numhl=')
vim.api.nvim_command('sign define DiagnosticSignHint text=🄷  texthl=Warning linehl= numhl=')

The above are the configuration lines. I believe these are just UTF characters as they are rendering right here on GitHub. Any idea?

ldelossa commented 1 year ago

I tried to set guifont to my normal patched font which I know exists on my system.

I always get the error message "Could not find font for family Monospace"

vabenil commented 1 year ago

I think the error message "Could not find font or family Monospace" is unavoidable, it's some problem and the way nvui tries to load the default Monospace font on Linux. Are you sure you got the syntax right? I had the same problem where nvui wasn't reading my font.

In vimscript you have to make sure there are no spaces after or before = and that after every space in the font you add a \, like so:

set guifont=JetBrains\ Mono:h11

In lua it's much easier because you just have to provide the correct string, like so:

vim.opt.guifont = "JetBrains Mono:h11"
ldelossa commented 1 year ago

Yup im sure, since neovide and goneovim work fine and can display those UTF-8 symbols with the same config i use for nvui