rohitcoder / BBB-AWS-S3

This script is written in python, and it keeps migrating your all recorded videos/sessions from Big Blue Button server to your desired s3 bucket.
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Is this compatible with greenlight? #3

Open jnar opened 4 years ago

jnar commented 4 years ago


I have an issue after meeting is processed and presentation is uploaded button "Presentation" shows in greenlight but then after some minutes its gone, link works but is not displaying in gl.

Any clue on what can I do ?

jnar commented 4 years ago

Ok now checking with bbb-record --watch I see that only shows "podcast,screenshare" but not presentation so question is not about greenlight but about bbb

rohitcoder commented 4 years ago

What is the value of DELETE_SERVER_FILES ? on Line 6 in your edited code of

is it set to True?

jnar commented 4 years ago

Yes, I have set to true that value

rohitcoder commented 4 years ago

Just set Value to False and then check if everything works properly.

I never checked it with GreenLight but it seems, greenlight only shows those records whose folders are present in bbb instance.

Just set value to false and try again, it will do everything same as this script is made for, it will not delete local copies for now.

Just test it, and I will push new codes.

jnar commented 4 years ago

Im going to try that, the thing is the server is low on disk space so I hope we can use this setting to save some space.

Thank you, by the way nice job with this script

jnar commented 4 years ago

Ok I have an update here, did some changes in script...

First I declared an array for filetypes I dont want to upload: KEEP_FILE_EXTENSIONS=['csv','json','xml','svg','png']

Then I put a new condition before deleting files: extonly=os.path.splitext(elem)[1][1:] if(extonly not in KEEP_FILE_EXTENSIONS): remove(elem)

This way files like metadata.xml and thumbnails stay in server and nothing looks weird in GL.

This is what I got so far, Im thinking in the best way to manage this to prevent an impact in performance later if folders grow much.

rohitcoder commented 4 years ago

Can you just try it by uploading everything of a meeting folder to s3 and just keeping a blank folder with that meeting Name?

Let's see if that works, then you could save more space!

For example: If there is a meeting folder named 75798d75e10388ae7e43f4e59de0d956-12121212 and it contains multiple files, then run script and upload everything to s3 and just keep that folder empty (but that folder should be there.) and then see, if this works, In case it not works i think we need to change routing of file serving URL something like we did in this part (from our docs) Screenshot 2020-08-08 at 10 25 37 PM

jnar commented 4 years ago

I considered that approach but there are some thumbnails that GL uses and look for them in local directory so I decided too keep all files except for big ones

rohitcoder commented 4 years ago

Ok, can you please create a new and add PR?

Or let me know, if you want to share final via ?

It would be good for other ones

jnar commented 4 years ago

Sure, Im gonna share when I feel its kinda ready