rohitd3 / rohitfastpages

Rohit De's fastpages for AP CSA 2022-2023
Apache License 2.0
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Lesson 6 -10 Scoring and Links #15

Open rohitd3 opened 1 year ago

rohitd3 commented 1 year ago

Overall score: 3.82/4

Directory for all lessons

Unit Score Grading Comments
Unit 6 0.9/1 Link Met all the requirements, showed participation
Unit 7 0.97/1 Link Hacks are done with key learnings but quizizz scored 90%
Unit 8 1/1 Link N/A
Unit 9 Student Lesson Presentation Link Started by rotating through dialog on Cars. Sahil shared Car class. Talked about super keyword and had example to show constructor calling super and then assigning custom attribute. Hack was done immediately with bottle/water bottle. Rohit spoke of @Override examples all with println statements. Nathan spoke on super and calling horn method. Kurtis talked about inheritance hierarchy. Nathan spoke again about defining methods with different amount of parameters. Sahil introduced another hack. The activity hacks are well formed and seem well thought out for short examples in classroom. Ritvik finished with the Object superclass and toString method. - Mortensen
Unit 10 0.95/1 Link missed one MC question + good implementation of recursion in code