rohitsangwan01 / uni_control_hub

UniControlHub: Seamlessly Bridge Your Devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
75 stars 0 forks source link

you can integrate stuff like this would be muc helpful #24

Open Uddhav07 opened 2 weeks ago

Uddhav07 commented 2 weeks ago

@echo off adb tcpip 5555 adb connect

@echo off set IP= for /f "tokens=1 delims=/" %%p in ('nmap %IP% -p 37000-44000 ^| findstr /R "tcp"') do ( adb connect %IP%:%%p exit /b ) echo No open ADB port found.

rohitsangwan01 commented 2 weeks ago

Not sure if this is required, as we can connect Wireless ADB on Android 11+ devices with just QrCode scan now i was planning to implement that actually, with this, we no longer have to connect Android with usb and turn on Wireless ADB Just scan the qrCode or enter pairing code and done