rohmann / global-smtp

WordPress Global SMTP
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GLOBAL_SMTP_DEBUG formatting #7

Closed pmsteil closed 9 years ago

pmsteil commented 9 years ago

When I turn on GLOBAL_SMTP_DEBUG, the output I get is very difficult to read due to no
tags in the output.

I looked in the code and didn't understand where the code is that is outputting this debug to try and enhance the code in this way.

Where is all the meat of the code? Ah, I think I get it now, you are using a built in WordPress phpMailer class - so I guess that class is responsible for the debug output?

Thanks, Patrick

rohmann commented 9 years ago

Yeah, that's because it's the standard output from the PHP Mailer class. I added a few safegaurds, and now if you're testing with the check email plugin it will output an opening <pre> tag on the test page to help.