roidrage / crumble

How did these breadcrumbs in your Rails application? Oh right, with this plugin!
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Routing troubles #4

Open laran opened 14 years ago

laran commented 14 years ago

Some routes are causing problems for me, specifically these: http://localhost:3000/projects/2/releases/1/sprints/new http://localhost:3000/projects/2/releases/1/teams/new

The error I get says: project_url failed to generate from {:action=>"show", :controller=>"projects"} - you may have ambiguous routes, or you may need to supply additional parameters for this route. content_url has the following required parameters: ["projects", :id] - are they all satisfied?

Here's my breadcrumbs.rb configuration file:

Breadcrumb.configure do
  # Specify name, link title and the URL to link to
  crumb :root, "Dashboard", :root_url
  crumb :project, "Project", :project_url
  crumb :story, "Story", :project_story_url
  crumb :task, "Task", :project_task_url
  crumb :release, "Release", :project_release_url
  crumb :sprint, "Sprint", :project_release_sprint_url
  crumb :team, "Team", :project_release_team_url

  # Specify controller, action, and an array of the crumbs you specified above
  trail :projects, :dashboard, [:root]
  trail :projects, [:show, :new, :edit], [:root, :project]
  trail :stories, [:new, :show, :edit], [:root, :project, :story]
  trail :tasks, [:new, :show, :edit], [:root, :project, :task]
  trail :releases, [:new, :show, :edit], [:root, :project, :release]
  trail :sprints, [:new, :show, :edit], [:root, :project, :release, :sprint]
  trail :teams, [:new, :show, :edit], [:root, :project, :release, :team]

  # Specify the delimiter for the crumbs
  delimit_with " / "


Here's my routes.rb file:

ActionController::Routing::Routes.draw do |map|

  map.root :controller => 'projects', :action => 'index'
  map.dashboard "dashboard", :controller => 'projects', :action => 'dashboard'

  map.project_settings "projects/:id/settings", :action => 'settings', :controller => 'projects'
  map.project_unassigned_stories "projects/:project_id/stories/unassigned", :action => 'unassigned', :controller => 'stories'

  map.resources :projects do |projects|
    projects.resources :stories do |stories|
      stories.resources :comments
      stories.resources :watches
      stories.resources :votes
      stories.resources :tags
      stories.resources :tasks
      stories.resources :defects
      stories.resources :attachments
      stories.resources :timers, :collection => { :stop => :post, :elapsed => :get }
    projects.resources :releases do |releases|
      releases.resources :teams
      releases.resources :sprints
    projects.resources :pages

  map.connect ':controller/:id/:action'
  map.connect ':controller/:id/:action.:format'
roidrage commented 14 years ago

Using the _url methods won't automatically insert the objects for you. Given the convention of resources it probably could, but instead of using the symbol syntax for the URL generation, you could use 'project_url(@project)' as string instead of just :project_url.