rokath / trice

🟢 super fast 🚀 and tiny 🐥 embedded device 𝘾 printf-like trace ✍ code, works also inside ⚡ interrupts ⚡ and real-time PC 💻 logging (trace ID visualization 👀)
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Unable to see logs if time stamp function are not implemented / are dummy. #479

Closed mmurty closed 2 months ago

mmurty commented 3 months ago

I am using an STM32G070 device and I am trying to setup trice to log data. I am using RTT for data transfer using a JLINK. I have done the required config in the config file. I just wanted to know if we do not implement functions TriceStamp16() & TriceStamp32() will the PC agent display logs? Presently I am getting errors and I am unable to see the logs (on a Windows machine).

I am running it using the command line and I see that it establishes connection with the JLINK correctly but it shows cycle count incorrect errors. Following is the command that I am using:

trice l -p TCP4 -args localhost:19021 -pf none -ts ""

rokath commented 3 months ago

You could #define TriceStamp16() 0 and #define TriceStamp32() 0 to make the compiler happy. Alternatively set all #define ENABLE_T[r|R]ice[8|16|32|64]fn_n 0 in triceConfig.h. In the target code only use trice( "...\n"); and avoid Trice( "...\n"); and TRice( "...\n");. For RTT without framing the -d16 switch is recommended just in case you accidentally write Trice( "Hi\n"); If you still face problems please provide your triceConfig.h file together with the used command line.

I just wanted to know if we do not implement functions TriceStamp16() & TriceStamp32() will the PC agent display logs?

The Trice tool does not need target stamps. The -ts switch is only relevant for the output formatting.

mmurty commented 2 months ago

I have attached my project for your reference. You can check the triceConfig.h file.

I am getting this in the terminal:


I am using the latest trice version V0.63.0. Following is the command I am using: trice l -p TCP4 -args localhost:19021 -pf none -d16

I apologize for late reply.

rokath commented 2 months ago

If I understand it right, you expect every 1000 ms a log. This is not the case always. The time interval can be 2 or 3 seconds too. For example between "Hello World 25" and "Hello World 26" are 2 seconds and between "Hello World 16" and "Hello World 18" is only 1 second. This seems to be a timing issue in your setup. Please tell more about your hardware. Just for investigation I recommend temporary to use target timestamps. You can use the -s and -v switches also to see more information.

mmurty commented 2 months ago

I understand that the host time stamps can be different based on when the RTT buffer is getting flushed. I am just not sure why the CYCLE: XXX not equal expected value YYY - adjusting errors are popping up? Does it indicate that I am missing data? If you observe the numbers in the Hello World message it seems that there are some misses. In the past I have used target timestamps over UART on cortex M4 & M7 devices and everything went fine. This is first time I am trying it over RTT and unfortunately I do not have the ARM cortex cycle counter on this device to generate timestamps. I do not want to overload the CPU by generating periodic interrupts and hence I am not generating time stamps using a timer.

My Hardware: MCU = STM32G070CBT6 ARM Cortex M0+, operates at 64MHz. Debug Interface = SWD. Transfer Lib = Segger RTT. Debug Probe= Jlink Edu Gdb Server= Started using Ozone debug session. OS= Windows 11 Shell = Windows CMD Target(MCU) Code Trice Version: V0.63.0 HOST(PC) Code Trice Version: V0.62.0 - Using pre-built binaries from the release (This is old version I will update and check it once).

rokath commented 2 months ago

Yes, there seem to be data losses - therefore the -s could help. 1000ms is a really long time for a PC - so no doubt that there is something wrong. You could #define TriceStamp32() (uwTick) in triceConfig.h and use TRice( "hello world %d\n, i" ); instead.

What is also possible: #define TriceStamp32() (0x32323232) in triceConfig.h. Then send a log with -s.

I am not 100% sure about your TIM6 period. Is is guarantied to be 1ms? You could toggle a LED every 1000 times period to check that.

I never tried Ozone. May be the problem is there?

You could try to use the command line trice log -p jlink -args="-Device STM32G070CB -if SWD -Speed 4000 -RTTChannel 0" -v. The -v only for the setup checks.

The STM Eclipse IDE is not my favorite one. You could consider to use vsCode with the Cortex-Debug extension just to get started

mmurty commented 2 months ago

Using this command to test: trice log -p jlink -args="-Device STM32G070CB -if SWD -Speed 4000 -RTTChannel 0" -pf none and it works. Thanks for the suggestion. It seems when I am running the GDB server using any other app, some logs may be going missing and that's creating some issues. This is the current output: image

Do you want me to send any other logs just to make the tool better?

rokath commented 2 months ago

If you would figure out, how the Ozone solution is to use in detail, that others could use it, that would be fine. Otherwise please simply close this issue.

mmurty commented 2 months ago

Ozone has a terminal window in it where it shows RTT output. It must be causing some problems.