rokucommunity / brighterscript

A superset of Roku's BrightScript language
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bsconfig.schema.json is not type valid against jsonschema draft-07 target #1204

Closed bartvandenende-wm closed 3 weeks ago

bartvandenende-wm commented 1 month ago


bsconfig.schema.json is not (strict) type valid against jsonschema draft-07 target

Repro steps

  1. Install npm install -g ajv-cli
  2. comile schema with ajv compile -s 'bsconfig.schema.json'

    Expected result: no compile errors

    Actual result:

    schema bsconfig.schema.json is invalid
    error: strict mode: unknown keyword: "deprecationMessage"
    strict mode: missing type "array" for keyword "items" at "bsconfig.schema.json#/properties/files" (strictTypes)


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