rokucommunity / brighterscript

A superset of Roku's BrightScript language
MIT License
153 stars 47 forks source link

Rename this project? #77

Closed TwitchBronBron closed 2 years ago

TwitchBronBron commented 4 years ago

There have been a few concerns with the name of this project:

  1. The name "BrighterScript" is very similar to the original language "BrightScript", which gets confusing when talking about it.
  2. The file extension .bs is very similar to .brs, and you would think that since the word "BrighterScript" has more letters, it would have the r, but nope, .bs is BrightERscript and .brs is BrightScript.

With that said, we will collect these names and have a serious discussion about the name in a week or so.

Here are a while bunch of suggestions for a new name. I will keep this list up to date.

jfrux commented 4 years ago

RightScript (.rs)

TwitchBronBron commented 2 years ago

At this point, we've decided to keep the existing name. The original arguments are still valid, but it has been established long enough at this point, and it's not a huge deal.