rokucommunity / roku-debug

A compatibility wrapper around the BrightScript debug protocol
MIT License
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Fix complib breakpoints #89

Closed TwitchBronBron closed 2 years ago

TwitchBronBron commented 2 years ago

Fixes a bug in the new dynamic breakpoint support over the debug protocol.

Over telnet or the compile errors output, Roku truncates file paths after so many characters. In those situations, we can't determine if a file comes from a component library or the main pkg. To get around this, we append a __lib0, __lib1, etc to the end of every component library filename (based on which component library it's a member of) so we can map them back to the correct lib. The latest release forgot to take those paths into consideration.

So, for example, we're setting a breakpoint in core/components/Scene/MainScene.brs when it should actually be core/components/Scene/MainScene__lib0.brs

This PR fixes that by properly accounting for complib file postfixes when sending breakpoints to the device.