rokucommunity / ropm

A package manager for the Roku platform.
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what is skipping xxx because it does not have the ropm keyword? #4

Closed georgejecook closed 4 years ago

georgejecook commented 4 years ago

what is this warning, is it just verbose logging? assuming it's a wip thing; but would be good to not see all this stuff:

ropm: skipping prod dependency 'gulp-header' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'concat-with-sourcemaps' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'source-map' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'lodash.template' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'lodash._reinterpolate' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'lodash.templatesettings' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'map-stream' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'through2' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'readable-stream' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'core-util-is' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'isarray' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'process-nextick-args' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'safe-buffer' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'string_decoder' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'util-deprecate' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'xtend' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'rimraf' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'fs.realpath' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'glob' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'inflight' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'wrappy' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'inherits' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'minimatch' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'brace-expansion' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'balanced-match' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'concat-map' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'once' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
ropm: skipping prod dependency 'path-is-absolute' because it does not have the "ropm" keyword
TwitchBronBron commented 4 years ago

@georgejecook so this means you installed NODE modules in your dependencies section. While it does seem to be a little verbose, I left it in there because, for a roku project, ONLY roku/ropm modules should appear in dependencies. All other items (like your gulp packages, etc...) should be included in devDependencies. This means, when you install node packages, use the --save-dev or dev flag.

I thought the message would be useful for helping to explain to people why a package was not installed. There could be situations where a ropm package author forgot to include the ropm keyword, and the user has no idea why the files are getting skipped.

georgejecook commented 4 years ago

I'll close this. If it keeps coming up, I'll be happy to contribute a faq section in the docs? A lot of folks, like me, only started using node to support their roku dev. I get people on rooibos asking me really basic npm questions all the time; so I have a feeling this will come up. Not important now.