rokucommunity / ropm

A package manager for the Roku platform.
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incorrectly renames packages to undefined, when importing. #69

Open georgejecook opened 1 year ago

georgejecook commented 1 year ago


roku-log ( uses the rokucommunity@bslib. However, when transpiled it uses bslib, without rokucommunity namespace. don't know why. described here:

When I import roku-log as a named npm import in projects, such as maestro, I find that the packages are corrupted, and replaced with /undefined/bslib.brs.

steps to reproduce

You will observe the roku-log, xml files are now broken. e.g.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
<component name='log_HTTPTransport' extends='Group'>
        <field id='maxLinesBeforeSending' type='integer' value='20' />
        <field id='maxSecondsBeforeSending' type='integer' value='5' />
        <field id='url' type='string' value='' />
        <field id='sendNow' type='boolean' value='false' alwaysNotify='true' onChange='sendLogsNow' />
        <field id='sendAutomatically' type='boolean' value='true' />
        <function name='logItem' />
        <function name='sendLogsNow' />
    <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/components/roku_modules/log/HTTPTransport.brs" />
    <script type="text/brightscript" uri="pkg:/source/roku_modules/undefined/bslib.brs" />
    <children />
<!--//# sourceMappingURL=./ -->

I have had to workaround this with a script that I use to spot and fix these. Other users of my libraries are now hitting these problems, too.