rokucommunity / ropm

A package manager for the Roku platform.
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Request Roku for official compiler support for roku_modules #7

Open TwitchBronBron opened 3 years ago

TwitchBronBron commented 3 years ago

Proposal for roku_modules on the Roku platform

Many platforms have package managers (e.g. npm, nuget, cocoapods) that allow developers to share code. The Roku developer community has created a package manager named ropm.

This allows developers to easily import code modules into their roku channel store projects. e.g.

The response from the community is very enthusiastic, and many teams are excited about the improved collaboration and further innovation they will experience, as they do on other platforms with simple code sharing mechanisms e.g.: Apple, Google and Web.

The problem

Roku has a code library sharing mechanism, which works great for small and specific use cases (e.g. raf, google ima, etc); but this system isn't suited to general code sharing, so developers have to manage their 3rd party code sharing manually.

When including third party libraries, many manual steps need to be taken, due to the "special" folders in a Roku application:

Consider the documentation taken straight from Roku's Scene Graph Developer Extensions

  • Copy the SGDEX folder into your channel so that the path to the folder is pkg:/components/SGDEX. This path is required for certain graphic elements to work correctly.
  • Copy SGDEX.brs into your channel so that the path to the file is pkg:/source/SGDEX.brs
  • Add this line to your manifest: bs_libs_required=roku_ads_lib

This can be undesirable when considering projects may include 5-10 third party libraries (e.g. analytics frameworks, unit testing, ui frameworks, custom video players, network/other helpers, etc). A developer must:

This also has a detrimental effect on code sharing: these difficulties demotivate developers from sharing their code with one another, negatively impacting the community as a whole.


We propose that the Roku compiler should support another "special" folder: roku_modules. The Roku compiler will apply the following algorithm to folders inside of pkg:/roku_modules/:

Here's some pseudocode for how the compiler might handle this:

if (directory_exists('pkg:/roku_modules'){

    var childDirectories = getImmediateChildDirectories('pkg:/roku_modules');

    for (var childDirectory of childDirectories) {

        if (directory_exists("pkg:/roku_modules/" + childDirectory + "/source") {

            //call existing compiler function for `source` scope
            compileDirAsSourceScope("pkg:/roku_modules/" + childDirectory + "/source")

        if (directory_exists("pkg:/roku_modules/" + childDirectory + "/components") {

            //call existing compiler function for compiling components
            compileDirAsComponents("pkg:/roku_modules/" + childDirectory + "/components")



ropm (roku package manager) and roku community

We are all passionate developers on the roku platform with a mission to improve the day to day lives of others as well as ourselves, and make it easier to produce great work. We acknowledge that the sharing of code modules is fundamental to a vibrant developer community.

As such, we have already created ropm, which you can try today (in early alpha). We already know that teams and popular open source projects are going to start using ropm. The downside to the current ropm approach is that ropm must copy files manually into subfolders of the main project in order to properly utilize the special "pkg:/source" and "pkg:/components" folders.

Having compiler support, as laid out above, will greatly improve the experience for everyone in the Roku community. We truly hope Roku will help us in this endeavor.

chrisdp commented 3 years ago

This would be a game changer for many of us in the Roku Community!

oscarsanchez commented 3 years ago

As an active developer making daily use of SGDEX, Adbmobile and many other 3rd party libraries I really hope this can become a reality!