rokucommunity / vscode-brightscript-language

A Visual Studio Code extension for Roku's BrightScript language
MIT License
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[dev enhancement] Actual Uri can be used instead of mock #258

Open Almenon opened 4 years ago

Almenon commented 4 years ago

In it isn't needed to mock uri - I recently VScode offers uri as a seperate library. See

Example of how to change to vscode-uri:

Almenon commented 4 years ago

nevermind, looks like you can import uri directly from vscode somehow. I get a error loading vscode when I try :(

TwitchBronBron commented 4 years ago

We mock many parts of vscode because when running the mocha tests, vscode is unavailable. That's because vscode only injects the vscode apj when running the actual editor. Which makes node and CI-driven tests not work since the vscode import will be undefined or fail.

So this is actually a good point, we might as well use the actual Uri object.