rokucommunity / vscode-brightscript-language

A Visual Studio Code extension for Roku's BrightScript language
MIT License
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Problem with Debug Protocol #524

Open simon-grantham opened 8 months ago

simon-grantham commented 8 months ago

Type: Bug

I've not only turned of debug protocol for the project on which I am working, I have turned off automatic variable display. VSC with the Roku extension gets totally confused on this very large project. ( ... redacted... ). With both turned off, I can actually do some debugging. I can even single step in very small portions of the code although it gets lost much of the time.

If you do not give me the ability to always turn off your debugging protocol, and go back to the old style, I'll be very upset.

That is using VSC. I often fall back to VI and telnet because it is the only approach that works at all in some circumstances.

Extension version: 2.45.2 VS Code version: Code 1.84.1 (2b35e1e6d88f1ce073683991d1eff5284a32690f, 2023-11-06T12:35:59.022Z) OS version: Windows_NT x64 10.0.19045 Modes:

chrisdp commented 8 months ago

Hey @simon-grantham If the protocol is causing you large issues you can disable it via settings. You can do any of the following:

It is very unfortunate to hear that you are having issue. If possible at some point we would love to try and work through this kind of issue with you. We have been working on supporting this protocol for years and we are getting to the point where we need people like yourself to help us find and squash issues we have not yet run into on the projects we work on. If you think you would be able to sit with us at some point to help replicate these issues we would really appreciate it!

While we don't intend to ever remove/stop supporting telnet, we are planning to put most of our attention into the protocol as it should be much less fragile and accurate in the long term. So thank you so much for reporting this issue to us.