rokudev / hello-world

A basic sample channel application for Roku
76 stars 66 forks source link

dist/apps/ is incorrectly packaged #6

Open danialgoodwin opened 4 years ago

danialgoodwin commented 4 years ago

The following ZIP is referenced in the Roku 'Getting Started', and it does NOT work for uploading:


The error when trying to publish it: "The file you uploaded is incorrectly packaged. Please follow our guide to packaging an application and resubmit."

This ZIP should be updated or removed and the documentation updated.

AbstractIntellect commented 1 year ago

Had the same issue and found two work arounds. You can open the zip file and then the correct zip file named is located in the folder dist > apps you can also download the file on step 3 here took me some time to figure it out so I figured I could help the next person out