rokwire / illinois-app

Source code repository of "Illinois" App - the official mobile app of the University of Illinois.
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[BUG] UI Clean-Up, Styles.json typography #4158

Closed TodorBachvarov closed 18 hours ago

TodorBachvarov commented 5 days ago

Here is a new Miro board link that should work for you and others:

TodorBachvarov commented 4 days ago

Hi @vburgett, I've made the changes for Events card and detail panel in version 6.0.13. I see that there is a comment "These updates should eventually also change the detail panels across the app. My Courses, Groups, Buildings, etc." As I understand it the scope of the task is the Event card and panel, and we will update the others in the future. Is that correct? If we want to update the Ui of the Groups, Courses etc. it will be very helpful if you provide me more details what should be updated (similar to the Link with the Events updates, because there might be some slight changes for the Card or Detail panel. Also could you specify which exact panels and cards - Courses, Groups, Buildings and...). As we are closer to the release date I prefer to be sure that I understand the update request correctly.

cc @pmarkhennessy

nataliehelregel commented 2 days ago

Thank you @TodorBachvarov for working on this ticket before the next release! We've noticed two items to adjust after reviewing the 6.0.14 build.

  1. There is still a large amount of paragraph spacing within both the Event's page and event's card. The spacing has been highlighted yellow in screenshot's provided from the 6.0.14 build with this comment. Please make updates for this spacing to match the example spacing provided in our original Miro file.

  2. Change the text treatment for the code line that reads "Research Park" to size 14 and fillColorPrimary. I've circled the line in green for reference within one on the screenshots attached.

Screenshot_01 Screenshot_02

Scope for updating detail panels across the app (My Courses, Groups, Buildings, etc) can wait until after this release.

Thank you.

cc @vburgett

TodorBachvarov commented 2 days ago

Hi @nataliehelregel, Unfortunately I don't have access to the original Miro file so I'll reduce the spacing at a guess (marked in yellow). Please let me know how much to reduce it if it's still too large. I've updated the text to use title.secondary: {"font_family": "regular", "size": 14.0, "color": "fillColorPrimary"}. Changes are implemented in version 6.0.15

vburgett commented 18 hours ago

Looks great, @TodorBachvarov. Thank you.

We'll close this ticket and continue the work for the other details panels.

CC: @nataliehelregel