3 Misho, in UIUC, under My Profile, we need a button named "My Stored Data" (for now). What we want is for all data from the backend in JSON format that the client calls to be placed in a panel with a Copy to Clipboard button. Perhaps in sections: "Groups", "Polls" etc. We want to show the user everything we have on them including the User Profile Info we show in Debug.
Re: University Monday 2024/07/29 / 2024-07-31
3 Misho, in UIUC, under My Profile, we need a button named "My Stored Data" (for now). What we want is for all data from the backend in JSON format that the client calls to be placed in a panel with a Copy to Clipboard button. Perhaps in sections: "Groups", "Polls" etc. We want to show the user everything we have on them including the User Profile Info we show in Debug.