rolandbreedveld / nest-api

Nest API script to get Google/Nest accounts working on Domoticz
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Chance location temporary files / reading rights #1

Closed Marcello1970 closed 4 years ago

Marcello1970 commented 4 years ago

Is it possible to chance the location of the temporary files. I use a RAM drive on my Raspberry, so I prefer that the files be stored there. It would be nice its a option in the nest_devices.cfg file.

An other issue is that I have manually chance the rights of the both temporary files to make the scripts work. Would you know what that could be?

rolandbreedveld commented 4 years ago

Hi Marcello this is a standard php option: /etc/php5/cli/php.ini for command line interface (/etc/php5/apache2/php.ini for use from apache) sys_temp_dir = "/tmp" <<< this is the one soap.wsdl_cache_dir="/tmp" <<< better change this one too

for the 2nd question, that happens if you run the script from different accounts, example you test it with "root", while Domoticz is running as user "pi"