rolandtoth / AdminOnSteroids

Various ProcessWire admin tweaks to boost productivity.
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Sticky header doesn't work with AdminThemeUikit #54

Closed gmclelland closed 7 years ago

gmclelland commented 7 years ago

I know this may take a while to fix, but I thought I would start writing them down as I noticed them.

I noticed the sticky header doesn't stick when the module is enabled.

rolandtoth commented 7 years ago

There is no config setting for a "general" sticky header, only for the Default and the Reno theme.

adrianbj commented 7 years ago

I still think it would be a nice option to have, perhaps paired with an option to reduce the top and bottom padding so it takes up less space?

rolandtoth commented 7 years ago

Certainly, but let's wait some time, perhaps there will be official mods to the theme.

adrianbj commented 7 years ago

Certainly, but let's wait some time, perhaps there will be official mods to the theme.

Yeah, for sure, it's certainly not a big deal.

gmclelland commented 7 years ago

This is fixed now.

adrianbj commented 7 years ago

This is fixed now.

Doesn't seem to be working here. Are you viewing in regular layout, or with sidebars? I don't have a sticky header here with regular layout, and of course it is with sidebars because of all the iframes :)

gmclelland commented 7 years ago

Oops, sorry I closed the wrong issue. Reopening..

rolandtoth commented 7 years ago

It seems easy to add, but there is an UIkit error (bug?) and also typo in their docs (showup vs showOnUp).

var $uikitMasthead = $('#pw-mastheads'); $('#main').css('padding-top', $uikitMasthead.outerHeight() + 'px'); UIkit.sticky($uikitMasthead, {media: 640, top: 0, getWidthFrom:'#main', showOnUp: false});

Will give it another try later, and if no luck, I'll add it with CSS only.

adrianbj commented 7 years ago

Thank you for adding this - this is great to have again!

rolandtoth commented 7 years ago

Yep, I added this with CSS as I haven't got the patience to find out why things don't work as expected/documented.