rolandwalker / unicode-fonts

Configure Unicode fonts for Emacs
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Mappings ignored #22

Open clembu opened 7 years ago

clembu commented 7 years ago

Okay so this is gonna sound weird.

Unicode 9 has this 🤜 character (among others). It's in "Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs", with code x1F91C, in which you can also find 🤐

I installed Noto Emoji, which supports this character. I have my unicode-fonts-block-mappings setup like so for this block:

("Supplemental Symbols and Pictographs"
      ("Noto Emoji" "Noto Sans Symbols"))

I removed the symbola font from this mapping (in fact I hate symbola so much I replaced it everywhere with Noto Emoji and Noto Sans Symbols)

But even though, spacemacs displays 🤜 with no font (so I get this square representation of the code) and 🤐 with symbola.

Is it because the blocks are not the same in Unicode 8 and Unicode 9?

How would I go about supporting Unicode 9 ?

thirs commented 5 years ago

Probably related problem here. Some blocks are displayed as requested, others not. E.g., block Arrows doesn't display with Asana Math as requested. It is probably not an Asana problem though, as block Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols is correctly displayed with it. Any hints?

rolandwalker commented 5 years ago

Hi! Math is life.

Let me try to make Asana work right out of the box.

thirs commented 5 years ago

That would be great!

rolandwalker commented 5 years ago

I tagged a new release which includes Asana Math. However, I didn't make Asana Math absolutely first choice for many blocks, since it isn't monospaced.

But, wouldn't it work for you to do

(require 'unicode-fonts)
(push "Asana Math" (cadr (assoc "Arrows" unicode-fonts-block-font-mapping)))


thirs commented 5 years ago

Thanks! But it doesn't appear to change anything.

I think it should work to push Asana Math as suggested, but it doesn't. I probably made some stupid configuration mistake.

The most recent unicode-fonts.el is indeed loaded (according to load-history), and unicode-fonts-block-font-mapping does have Asana on top of its Arrows block, as far as I can tell. Are there any other checks that might help?

Perhaps it would help you to know that the failure occurs on my laptop under Debian testing, while everything works fine one by desktop PC under Debian Stretch?