role-model / roleR

R package implementing the RoLE model
GNU General Public License v3.0
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How to re-build the docs site #46

Open diazrenata opened 1 year ago

diazrenata commented 1 year ago

(all of this while in the roleR .Rproj)

  1. Update documentation. Warnings are OK, but it needs to be fixed if it actually fails.

  2. Update the docs dir locally. This will render the site and launch a preview of it in your local web browser.


This can fail if any of the vignettes refuse to build. For example, when I run it currently, I get an error from the use_cases vignette:

> pkgdown::build_site()
-- Installing package into temporary library ----------------
== Building pkgdown site =======================================================
Reading from: '/Users/renatadiaz/Documents/GitHub/roleR'
Writing to:   '/Users/renatadiaz/Documents/GitHub/roleR/docs'
-- Initialising site -----------------------------------------------------------
-- Building home ---------------------------------------------------------------
Writing '404.html'
-- Building function reference -------------------------------------------------
Reading 'man/createRolePredModel.Rd'
Reading 'man/div-sumStats.Rd'
Reading 'man/getFinalState.Rd'
Reading 'man/getSumStats.Rd'
Reading 'man/localComm.Rd'
Reading 'man/metaComm.Rd'
Reading 'man/raw-sumStats.Rd'
Reading 'man/roleData.Rd'
Reading 'man/roleExperiment.Rd'
Reading 'man/roleModel.Rd'
Reading 'man/roleParams.Rd'
Reading 'man/rolePhylo.Rd'
Reading 'man/runRole.Rd'
Reading 'man/setExpMetadata.Rd'
Reading 'man/writeRoLE.Rd'
-- Building articles -----------------------------------------------------------
Reading 'vignettes/roleR_intro.Rmd'
Reading 'vignettes/roleR_use_cases.Rmd'
-- RMarkdown error -------------------------------------------------------------
Error in render_rmarkdown(pkg, input = input, output = output_file, output_format = format,  : 
  Failed to render RMarkdown
Caused by error:
! error in callr subprocess
Caused by error:
! assignment of an object of class "logical" is not valid for slot 'neut_delta' in an object of class "roleParams"; is(value, "numeric") is not TRUE
In addition: Warning messages:
1: Failed to parse example for topic 'roleExperiment' 
2: Failed to parse example for topic 'roleModel' 
3: Failed to parse example for topic 'roleParams' 
4: Failed to parse example for topic 'runRole' 
! error in callr subprocess
Caused by error in `render_rmarkdown(pkg, input = input, output = output_file, output_format = format, …`:
! Failed to render RMarkdown
Caused by error:
! error in callr subprocess
Caused by error:
! assignment of an object of class "logical" is not valid for slot 'neut_delta' in an object of class "roleParams"; is(value, "numeric") is not TRUE
Type .Last.error to see the more details.

This will go away if we fix the error ! assignment of an object of class "logical" is not valid for slot 'neut_delta' in an object of class "roleParams"; is(value, "numeric") is not TRUE in the use_cases vignette. For now I taped over it by setting eval = FALSE for the entire vignette.

  1. Commit local changes and push

  2. Actions will take over rendering the website from the files in the docs directory.

jidec commented 1 year ago

Just pushed a fix for the bug in the use_cases vignette, devtools::document() followed by pkgdown::build_site() should now run without error