roleoroleo / yi-hack-MStar

Custom firmware for Yi 1080p camera based on MStar platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Found a bug from a mouse screenshot - incorrect thumbnail watermark timestamp #533

Closed denven closed 3 weeks ago

denven commented 5 months ago


roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

This is very very strange. But I don't understand what I'm looking at. Is it a frame of the mp4 or the related jpg. Because the timestamp shouldn't appear in the video.

Another question: which version are you using?

denven commented 5 months ago

This is very very strange. But I don't understand what I'm looking at. Is it a frame of the mp4 or the related jpg. Because the timestamp shouldn't appear in the video.

Another question: which version are you using?

It's a jpg file, you can see the red border marked filename not sure if you can get some clue by checking imggrabber.c and

roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

You are right. The thumbnail is created from the mp4 file but the watermark is added with the wrong time. Is the time when imggrabber is executed and not the time related to the content of the video file. To fix this problem, I need to change imggrabber.

denven commented 5 months ago

@roleoroleo some ideas about the and imggrabber performance:

current situation

  1. it seems this thumbnail feature is cpu expensive, on my camera, it costs about 10% cpu usage image

  2. will run every minute, and imggrabber has delay in grab frame to generate jpg file (like about 8 minutes in this bug)


what's the most time cost for imggrabber? why there is too much delay when grabbing the thumbnail file?

probably it is caused by the checkFiles() in : echo "${L_FILE_LIST}" | while read file; do

my thoughts

  1. evaluate imggrabber process time and tune SLEEP_CYCLE_SECONDS to ensure imggrabber can be called every minute,
  2. use the lastest 2 minutes to find and grab the latest (0/1/) 2 video file(s) to avoid too much delay, do not find and check from all
    • 2: one new video file generated and another old one is not processed in time due to time deviation (less likely)
    • 1: one new video file generated and not processed at the last minute, the old file is checked and processed
    • 1: no video file generated for the last minute, another old one is not processed in time due to time deviation (less likely)
    • 0: no video file generated for the last minute, all recent files in 2 minutes are processed

by doing this, the delay is only 1 minute or none.

roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

I already trying to change the code. The solution I'm trying is very simple. imggrabber accepts a new option useful to pass the timestamp manually. So the script can call imggrabber and pass the value derived from the file name.

If you want to test it: imggrabber.gz

denven commented 5 months ago

I replaced the two files and rebooted the camera, which resulted in the camera running into an infinite reboot loop. perhaps the cause is I didn't change the overwritten files permission. Then I hacked the camera with version 0.54 firmware, I previously used 0.49.

have to find another time to test again.

denven commented 5 months ago

tested, the time minute is close to the jpg filename, but it is always a little greater (no more than 2 minutes) than it.


Update: Not true, the above is the previous grabber created time which has delay.

The new grabber has the right time, however it doesn't show the local time, uses UTC time instead.

I have setup the time zone string, however the folders are still organized with UTC time.

roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

Yes. The last version fixes a very old bug related to the time. Now the cam uses the correct timezone (localtime). But I changed all other pages and features related to the time, so the only difference is the time of the folder structure in /tmp/sd/record. I hope...

denven commented 5 months ago

Yes. The last version fixes a very old bug related to the time. Now the cam uses the correct timezone (localtime). But I changed all other pages and features related to the time, so the only difference is the time of the folder structure in /tmp/sd/record. I hope...

By adding and using get_timestamp function (convert UTC time to local time), we can put local time into the thumbnail file.

Or if possible, use the function to generate the video folder names by using local datetime, then no need to change

# input sample: /tmp/sd/record/2024Y01M24D09H/24M00S60
# will output: 2024-01-24 09:24:00
get_timestamp() {
        local_time=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        utc_time=$(date -u +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

        local_ts=$(date -d "$local_time" +%s)
        utc_ts=$(date -d "$utc_time" +%s)

        local_utc_offset=$((local_ts-utc_ts)) # seconds

    # get utc time path without minute: 2024Y01M24D09H
        # utc_path=$(echo $1 | grep -oE "[0-9]{4}Y[0-9]{2}M[0-9]{2}D[0-9]{2}H")
        # utc_path_ts=$(date -d "${utc_path:0:4}-${utc_path:5:2}-${utc_path:8:2} ${utc_path:11:2}:00:00" +%s)
        # local_path_ts=$((utc_path_ts+local_utc_offset))

        # output local date path: 2024Y01M24D01H
        # echo $(date -d "@$local_path_ts" +"%YY%mM%dD%HH")

    # get utc time path with minute and second: 2024Y01M24D09H24M00S
        utc_path=$(echo $1 | grep -oE "[0-9]{4}Y[0-9]{2}M[0-9]{2}D[0-9]{2}H/[0-9]{2}M[0-9]{2}S" | tr -d "/")
        utc_path_ts=$(date -d "${utc_path:0:4}-${utc_path:5:2}-${utc_path:8:2} ${utc_path:11:2}:${utc_path:14:2}:${utc_path:17:2}" +%s)

        # output local time: 2024-01-24 09:24:00
        echo $(date -d "@$local_path_ts" +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

checkFiles ()
            # TIME_STAMP="${file:15:4}-${file:20:2}-${file:23:2} ${file:26:2}:${file:30:2}:${file:33:2}"
            TIME_STAMP=$(get_timestamp "$file")
roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

By adding and using get_timestamp function (convert UTC time to local time), we can put local time into the thumbnail file.

Sorry but I don't understand. The time in the thumbnail jpeg should already be localtime. Is it in UTC for your cam?

Could you try to switch on the option "Enable/disable time OSD" and check the time in the upper left corner? immagine

roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

A little fix here: imggrabber.gz Not related to the timezone.

denven commented 5 months ago

By adding and using get_timestamp function (convert UTC time to local time), we can put local time into the thumbnail file.

Sorry but I don't understand. The time in the thumbnail jpeg should already be localtime. Is it in UTC for your cam?

Could you try to switch on the option "Enable/disable time OSD" and check the time in the upper left corner? immagine

Running the latest imggrabber and turn on OSD option:

The delay is likely caused by the cron job of execution every minute, and it loops and check all mp4 files which will cost more cpu time. there is already a while true loop in, and it will keeps 2 processes running, maybe keeping one is enough, and do not need to start it as cron job. I change with above code I pasted here and I change only to check the latest 2 mp4 files, there is no delay of thumbnail files generation after mp4 files created (although 2 processes are still running).

roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

How is the time in the snapshot (from web gui for example)?

The delay is likely caused by the cron job of execution every minute is executed with a delay, but, if you are using the version I posted above, when it runs imggrabber it passes the timestamp as an argument:

TIME_STAMP="${file:15:4}-${file:20:2}-${file:23:2} ${file:26:2}:${file:30:2}:${file:33:2}"
imggrabber -f $BASE_NAME.h26x -r low -w -t "$TIME_STAMP" > $BASE_NAME.jpg
... reads the time from the name of the file (and the dir) and passes it to imggrabber. Imggrabber uses this time to print the watermark. Since the image is extracted from the first frame, the time of this frame is the same as the time extracted from the name of the file.

denven commented 5 months ago

How is the time in the snapshot (from web gui for example)?

The delay is likely caused by the cron job of execution every minute is executed with a delay, but, if you are using the version I posted above, when it runs imggrabber it passes the timestamp as an argument:


TIME_STAMP="${file:15:4}-${file:20:2}-${file:23:2} ${file:26:2}:${file:30:2}:${file:33:2}"

imggrabber -f $BASE_NAME.h26x -r low -w -t "$TIME_STAMP" > $BASE_NAME.jpg

... reads the time from the name of the file (and the dir) and passes it to imggrabber.

Imggrabber uses this time to print the watermark.

Since the image is extracted from the first frame, the time of this frame is the same as the time extracted from the name of the file.

currently, the time in thumbnail is correct after using your new imggrabber. However, it is still in UTC time. z The video records directories are orgnized in UTC date hour time. do you convert the time to local timezone in imggrabber?

roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

Something is wrong, I don't understand. With the last release, the file/folder structure in /tmp/sd/record should be oganized in local time. Not in UTC.

I will send a whole image to test.

denven commented 5 months ago

Something is wrong, I don't understand. With the last release, the file/folder structure in /tmp/sd/record should be oganized in local time. Not in UTC.

I will send a whole image to test.


I noticed that the record folders' naming was changed to UTC since version 0.49 or earlier. I thought it was a universal change since that version, so that's why I had to write the time conversion code to handle this.

I am not sure which setup of mine is not correct or if some other thing is wrong at my end because you've already adjusted this.

roleoroleo commented 5 months ago

This commit (included in 0.5.4) changes the behavior of the cam. The cam should work in localtime and save the files/folders in localtime. I don't understand why your cam works in UTC...

A question. What time does the cam use when cloud is on?

denven commented 5 months ago

from the Yi App stream, the OSD time is local. I think I never turned off the official cloud feature, although I don't use their cloud storage plans.


denven commented 5 months ago

@roleoroleo I've mentioned that the camera stops to record video files in the previous issue discussion as well.

And it is not true, it is recording files, and using the local time to do it, the files in utc-time directories are overwritten by the new files. image

So now the issue is when OSD is disabled, the camera still uses UTC time to organize folders.

Another issue found after OSD is enabled, it still has a chance to create folders in UTC time., I found this in the noon a several hours later folder was created of a sudden, and confirmed it existed on SD card from that time. image


denven commented 4 months ago

after several days of use the latest version, the timestamp on thumbnail file still doesn't match the osd time,delayed by hours.

roleoroleo commented 4 months ago

Check this issue:

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