roleoroleo / yi-hack-MStar

Custom firmware for Yi 1080p camera based on MStar platform
GNU General Public License v3.0
844 stars 112 forks source link

image snapshot service not working on yi-hack-6FUS_4.5.0_0.1.4 #9

Closed Christian-Krupa closed 4 years ago

Christian-Krupa commented 4 years ago

i am unable to get an image snapshot from the camera:

$ curl -vv
*   Trying
> GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
* HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
< HTTP/1.0 200 OK
< Content-type: image/jpeg
* Closing connection 0

also the buffer2jpg command does not seem to work:

/home/yi-hack # buffer2jpg --output=/tmp/sd/test.jpg --res=high
/home/yi-hack # ls /tmp/sd/test.jpg
ls: /tmp/sd/test.jpg: No such file or directory
/home/yi-hack # buffer2jpg --output=stdout --res=high
/home/yi-hack #

any idea whats wrong?

roleoroleo commented 4 years ago

RTSP is working properly? framefinder daemon is running? Could you dump the content of /tmp/iframe.idx? hexdump /tmp/iframe.idx

Christian-Krupa commented 4 years ago
roleoroleo commented 4 years ago

Could you dump the first 100 bytes of /dev/fshare_frame_buf file?

Christian-Krupa commented 4 years ago
/home/yi-hack # hexdump /dev/fshare_frame_buf
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000020 0200 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0402 0000
0000030 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
roleoroleo commented 4 years ago

Ok, the buffer is empty. Last request. Could you post your config?

Christian-Krupa commented 4 years ago

is this enough?

/home/yi-hack/etc # cat system.conf
/home/yi-hack/etc # cat mqttv4.conf
#                       Configuration file for mqttv4                         #

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Basic MQTT settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------




# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the topics where the messages will be published
# The final topic will be MQTT_PREFIX/TOPIC_MOTION
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the topics messages
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Other settings
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

roleoroleo commented 4 years ago

Your configuration is the same as mine, I don't understand why it doesn't work. The problem is that the circular buffer does not fill up. If you look at the file /home/yi-hack/script/ you can see that there is a trick to start filling the buffer:

if [[ $(get_config DISABLE_CLOUD) == "no" ]] ; then
        cd /home/app
        sleep 2
        ./mp4record &
        ./cloud &
        ./p2p_tnp &
        ./oss &
        ./watch_process &
        cd /home/app
        sleep 2
        ./mp4record &
        # Trick to start circular buffer filling
        ./cloud &
        IDX=`hexdump -n 16 /dev/fshare_frame_buf | awk 'NR==1{print $8}'`
        while [ "$IDX" -eq "0000" ] && [ $N -lt 50 ]; do
            IDX=`hexdump -n 16 /dev/fshare_frame_buf | awk 'NR==1{print $8}'`
            sleep 0.2
        killall cloud
        if [[ $(get_config REC_WITHOUT_CLOUD) == "no" ]] ; then
            killall mp4record

If cloud application doesn't start, the buffer is empty. So I start it, I wait for buffer filling and I kill it. Something is not working in this sequence.

If you start cloud application manually and kill it after 5 seconds, the snapshot works?

Christian-Krupa commented 4 years ago

i tried the example from the script:

/home/app # ./cloud &
/home/app # IDX=`hexdump -n 16 /dev/fshare_frame_buf | awk 'NR==1{print $8}'`
/home/app # N=0
/home/app #  while [ "$IDX" -eq "0000" ] && [ $N -lt 50 ]; do
> IDX=`hexdump -n 16 /dev/fshare_frame_buf | awk 'NR==1{print $8}'`
> N=$(($N+1))
> sleep 1
> done
/home/app # echo $IDX

after that i started the cloud tool and killed it after 26 seconds:

/home/app # date;./cloud
Thu Oct 10 19:13:10 UTC 2019
/home/app # date
Thu Oct 10 19:13:36 UTC 2019

there seems to be no change.

/home/app # hexdump /dev/fshare_frame_buf
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
0000020 0200 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0402 0000
0000030 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
curl -v http://xxx:8080/cgi-bin/
Do 17 Okt 2019 22:28:40 CEST
> GET /cgi-bin/ HTTP/1.1
> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1
> Accept: */*
* HTTP 1.0, assume close after body
< HTTP/1.0 200 OK
< Content-type: image/jpeg
* Closing connection 0
/home/app # buffer2jpg --output=stdout --res=high
/home/app #

at the same time rtsp streaming works as expected.

Christian-Krupa commented 4 years ago

i got the problem: i configured my firewall that the camera is NOT able to connect to the internet.

i thought that the "cloud" app only initialize the video buffer. but it seems that the cloud app only do so when an internet connection is available.

with an connection to the "cloud" server i get this output:

/home/app # ./cloud
trans_json_ex key = "code", result = 20000, len = 5, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "time", result = 1571345132617, len = 13, size = 32
trans_json_ex key = "code", result = 20000, len = 5, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "css_flag", result = 0, len = 1, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "css_mode", result = 1, len = 1, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "appParam", result = , len = 0, size = 512
trans_json_ex key = "code", result = 20000, len = 5, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "data", result = "css_flag":0,"css_mode":1,"appParam":"","tz_offset":7200000,"timezone":"GMT+02:00","language":"en-US", len = 101, size = 1024
trans_json_ex key = "tz_offset", result = 7200000, len = 7, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "css_flag", result = 0, len = 1, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "css_mode", result = 1, len = 1, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "appParam", result = , len = 0, size = 512
cmd(rm /tmp/sd/log_first_login.tar.gz;rm /tmp/sd/first_login -r;mkdir /tmp/sd/first_login;ps > /tmp/sd/first_login/ps1.txt;cp /home/homever /tmp/sd/first_login;lsmod > /tmp/sd/first_login/lsmod.txt;ls -laSR /home > /tmp/sd/first_login/file.txt;cp /tmp/wpa_supplicant.conf  /tmp/sd/first_login;cp /tmp/log.txt /tmp/sd/first_login;cp /tmp/log_oss.txt /tmp/sd/first_login;df /home > /tmp/sd/first_login/df.txt;df / >> /tmp/sd/first_login/df.txt;tar -cf /tmp/sd/log_first_login.tar.gz /tmp/sd/first_login;mkdir /tmp/sd/log; mv /tmp/sd/log_first_login.tar.gz /tmp/sd/log;rm /tmp/sd/first_login -r &)
rm: can't remove '/tmp/sd/log_first_login.tar.gz': No such file or directory
rm: can't remove '/tmp/sd/first_login': No such file or directory
tar: removing leading '/' from member names
mkdir: can't create directory '/tmp/sd/log': File exists
trans_json_ex key = "code", result = xxxxx, len = 5, size = 16
trans_json_ex key = "DID", result = xxxxx, len = 20, size = 32
trans_json_ex key = "License", result = xxxxx:, len = 7, size = 32
trans_json_ex key = "InitString", result = xxxxx, len = 82, size = 128

when i now kill "cloud" i am able to take screenshots via the weburl: .....:8080/cgi-bin/

roleoroleo commented 4 years ago

Now I remember... Another user posted the same issue. I can solve the problem using s different image buffer but I don't know if there is enough cpu. I will try...

roleoroleo commented 4 years ago

Try release 0.1.5.

Christian-Krupa commented 4 years ago

i enabled the firewall for the cam again. now it seems to run as expected. without an internet connection i am able to create snapshots via curl, thank you!

$ curl > test.jpg
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  234k    0  234k    0     0  53023      0 --:--:--  0:00:04 --:--:-- 53023