Please provide the following information for your token.
Token Address: 0xc53f6C2Ac35D30cc47Ddf3C320874b21dFA38791
Token Name (from contract): Gcash
Token Decimals (from contract): 4
Token Symbol (from contract): GCASH
Uniswap Exchange Address of Token: 0x3e3fd9230518ba8644df5b48423e2be5e6016540
Category: Social Money
Image in Trust Wallet repo (Y/N)? Y
If no, please attach image
Please provide the following information for your token.
Token Address: 0xc53f6C2Ac35D30cc47Ddf3C320874b21dFA38791 Token Name (from contract): Gcash Token Decimals (from contract): 4 Token Symbol (from contract): GCASH Uniswap Exchange Address of Token: 0x3e3fd9230518ba8644df5b48423e2be5e6016540 Category: Social Money Image in Trust Wallet repo (Y/N)? Y If no, please attach image