rollbar / Rollbar.NET

Rollbar for .NET
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NativeAOT + Trimming support #652

Open beeradmoore opened 3 months ago

beeradmoore commented 3 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. I am currently upgrading all of my AWS lambda functions to .NET 8. Some of the more commonly executed functions are getting the full NativeAOT + trimming support.

Rollbar.NET outputs some analysis warnings (will append soon once I have a clean sample to reproduce) of these features.

Is that something that Rollbar.NET has in mind of supporting?

From what I understand Newtonsoft.Json won't get that support itself so any json things would need to be replaced with System.Text.Json. I am not sure what else in here will cause headaches, I imagine there could be a lot of reflection used in here as well.

Describe the solution you'd like A clear and concise description of what you want to happen. Updated codebase to support .NET 8 NativeAOT + trimming without producing warnings, without having required code accidentally trimmed away.

Describe alternatives you've considered I have tried to use TrimmerRootAssembly in csproj file and rd.xml, but I can't seem to make the compiler happy.

My fallback solution would be to make (or see if others already exist) a very trimmed down Rollbar client that is specific to my lambda functions that can catch unhandled exceptions, and support logging using a REST API to Rollbar itself.

Additional context N/A