rollbar / pyrollbar

Error tracking and logging from Python to Rollbar
MIT License
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1.0.0 beta: 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'sensitive_post_parameters' #436

Closed brett-dtc closed 9 months ago

brett-dtc commented 9 months ago

I was testing out 1.0.0b beta with django 4.2.5 and every error was triggering:

AttributeError at /admin/core/show/ 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'sensitive_post_parameters'

Line 188 of rollbar\contrib\django\

None of my errors were making it to Rollbar since this exception was processed first and seems to be part of the Rollbar library itself.

I went back to 0.16.3 and it's working

danielmorell commented 9 months ago

Hey @brett-dtc, thank you for testing the beta!!! You're awesome! 🚀

Also, thanks for letting us know about this bug!

We should have the fix out in the next version of the beta shortly.

danielmorell commented 9 months ago

The fix for this has been released in 1.0.0b1.