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Cross-Check 'Online-Store' - RallyZK #839

Closed RallyZK closed 1 year ago

RallyZK commented 1 year ago

Примечание: У меня нет претензий к оценкам проверяющих. Дело в том, что я проверила всех 4х стундентов, всю проверку вела в гугл таблицах, можете ознакомиться с моими оценками и комментариями:

Потом выставила оценку двум студентам, у которых было 0 и 300, а остальных хотела еще раз перепроверить, т.к. задание очень объемное и, в итоге, забыла внести оценки в Review.

Прошу позволить получить свою оценку за это задание, т.к. баллы очень существенные, я старалась над этим заданием как могла. Признаю свою ошибку, в следующие разы буду сразу выставлять оценки в 1 день (как раньше и делала) Спасибо за понимание

  1. A link to your deployed project

  2. A link to the project repository on Github.

  3. A link to the task

  4. A Link to the checklist for evaluating the task (if it exists)

  5. A screenshot of cross-checking marks: меня оценили на 236, 282 и 226 a1 a2 a3

  6. A final score after self-assessment, with comments: 236 Самопроверку вели в гугл таблицах:

  7. A cross-check score of your Score: 0 (я выставила оценки только 2м студентам из 4х)

helenakrasnova commented 1 year ago

Исправить пункт A cross-check score of your Score - указать балл за cross-check из вашего Score.

RallyZK commented 1 year ago

Исправить пункт A cross-check score of your Score - указать балл за cross-check из вашего Score.


lyutails commented 1 year ago

hey there o/

good job

Filters (max score 120):

  1. two filter blocks (category, brand) +10
  2. two dual-sliders (price, rating) +10
  3. query is not implemented and page doesn't keep applied filters after reset +0
  4. filters dynamically recount when others applied +10
  5. products sort is done by three parameters (price, rating, alphabet) +10
  6. sort parameters don't appear in query +0
  7. selected sort is not shown if opened in new window +0
  8. input search +5
  9. input search works alonside with other filters +5
  10. input search is not saved after page reset +0
  11. different product view +5
  12. different product view not saving to query and becomes default after page reset +0
  13. routing with query is not implemented +0
  14. reset filters +3
  15. copy current search +4
  16. copy link button changes it's look when pressed +3
  17. after filters are applied total amount of found is shown +3
  18. if no products found it's shown +2
  19. product's card contains 'add to cart' (buy) button +5
  20. click on card redirects to product's page +5 Result 80

Cart page (max score 60):

  1. products show up as a list with names, price, category etc. plus ability to add / remove product +5
  2. amount of each product can be increased, total amount and total sum reacts to changes, cannot be added more than in stock +5
  3. amount of each product can be decreased, when number is less than 1 - item automatically disappears from cart, total sum and amount reacts to changes +5
  4. pagination is not implemented +0
  5. products' data is not stored in local storage +0
  6. if there are no products in cart shows 'cart is empty' +5
  7. promocodes are imlemented - old price is crossed and new one appears, can be applied more than one, total discount sums and reflects final sum of purchase, can be removed +5
  8. block with each promo discount and new price +5
  9. 'buy now' button redirects to purchase popup +5
  10. total sum of purchase with applied promos is shown +5 Result 40

Purchase popup (max score 50):

  1. name / surname requires at least two words >= 3 chars +5
  2. phone validation should be correct if starts with '+' (here just numbers without plus in front of them are allowed and give no error - should start with '+'), letters are not allowed, length is limited to 16 symbols (max 5) +4 image
  3. delivery address is waiting for three words not shorter than five letters each +5
  4. email input checks if text is valid email address +5
  5. only numbers are allowed for bank's card number, limited to 16 +5
  6. payment system automatically changes reacting to first number typed (implemented >= 3 payment systems) +5
  7. validation thru allows only numbers, requires four numbers, month can't be more than 12 +5
  8. CVV allows only numbers, three of them required +5
  9. submit buttons shows if there are errors +5
  10. message appears on success, redirects to catalog page, cart becomes empty +5 Result 49

Product's page (max score 40):

  1. breadcrumb trail +5
  2. several products' pics, no dupes, can't zoom by click / hover (max 10) +8
  3. there is block with product's name, brand, price etc. +5
  4. page contains button 'buy' adding item to cart, button's state shows if product was added +5
  5. quick buy button implemented and leads to cart page with modal opened +5
  6. page opens in a new window with product's id +10 Result 38

Header (max score 20):

  1. contains cart's image with number of added products +5
  2. number of products dynamically changes when removed on all pages +5
  3. shows total sum of added items +5
  4. sum dynamically changes when product is removed, on all pages +5 Result 20

404 page (max score 10): not implemented and shows default +0 image Result 0

Final score is 227

@DimaBLR take a look at please

helenakrasnova commented 1 year ago
