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Formulating a Refactoring Plan After Code Analysis #323

Open andron13 opened 2 weeks ago

andron13 commented 2 weeks ago

📝 Describe the feature

This task is about conducting a thorough code analysis to identify files that require refactoring. The focus is on semantic structure, code duplication, and style inconsistencies. The goal is to formulate a detailed plan and a list of tasks for the impending code refactoring.

ℹ️ Additional context

Code refactoring is an integral part of maintaining a clean, efficient, and bug-free code base, and it enhances code readability and software quality.

✅ Definition of Done (DoD):

The task is considered done when a complete review of the codebase has been conducted, a list of files that need refactoring has been identified and prioritized, and a detailed refactoring plan has been devised. The plan should adequately address all areas needing improvement.