rollingrock / Fallout-4-VR-Body

Developing mod to add full body support with IK for Fallout 4 VR!
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Frequent CTDs possibly involving FRIK in Fo4VR Essentials modpack #29

Open Emblin13 opened 2 years ago

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

Background: I know modifying this modpack was recommended against, but I was forced to install FRIK because Idle Hands - LEFT HAND always breaks the PipBoy and softlocks the game.

Sorry if this is not an appropriate place to submit this issue, but ever since I installed FRIK into the Fo4VR Essentials modpack, I've been having fairly frequent and seemingly random CTDs.

What logs should I upload for you to see?

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

yeah there's some instability in some people's set up i need to figure out.

honestly what i need are debugger dumps more than anything. if you know how to attach a debugger and get me a call stack of the crash that would be most helpful

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

Can you point me to a guide or other resource for attaching a debugger to Fo4VR? I'm only slightly familiar with programming, so I could probably figure it out if I had a guide to follow

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

i really need to make a video showing how.

in text form though it's not too complicated.

1) download windbg 10 preview off the windows store app. it's free. 2) launch the game and get tot he main menu 3) launch windbg 10 and use the "attach to process" function and find fallout4vr.exe to attach to 4) proceed as normal in the game. Once a crash happens the debugger will trap it.
5) take a screen shot of the windbg window and send it to me. make sure the "Call Stack" window pane in windbg is on and is visible

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

That was a surprisingly very easy tool to run. The testing was a little more difficult, though. My first attempt at playing didn't crash at any point, but there was a strange bug turning the FRIK model into a complete mess, and this bug was present in all of my saves, and nothing in the FRIK holotape fixed that. The link below shows what I mean

After closing and reopening the game, I was no longer able to load any of my saves without crashing during the load process. Here is the link to the debugger window for that crash

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

ohhhh someone else just mentioned about the weird body distortions. any chance you can upload the save file for that and maybe i can load it on my end and take a look?

also i just fixed a save game loading bug and uploaded version 37 to nexus. can you try with it?

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

Hopefully these are the correct save files. It should say 3 hours and 24 mins, or 3 hours and 26 mins, and it should be saved inside of the Red Rocket.

I'll playtest your new version of FRIK in a moment, and I'll let you know how that goes

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

damn. unfortunately loading your save my body is perfectly fine.

so if you're up for it i have a mod on my github here that dumps out the entire scene graph.

Just add that like any other mod and run the game with it with the save that'd borked. this will dump out a log in documents/My Games/Fallout4VR/F4SE. shoot me that log and maybe i can see if the skeleton is jacked up.

note this dumps out a massive log so do not leave this enabled after you're done.

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

On the bright side, it looks version 37 fixed the CTD on load issue. On the other hand, all of my saves now have immense FPS lag, and the FRIK body issue is still there. Now that I think about it, maybe writing 2.6 million lines of code into a log in the span of 15 seconds was what caused the lag lmao. The log is down below

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

haha yeah that log file will chew up some cpu.

let me know if you still see lag after disabling it

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

Not getting any lag now that it's disabled

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

ok checked out the log. i don't see anything particularly weird with it.

i have an idea that maybe i need to do a harder reset of the body position to maybe a known t-pose on a save load. just force it to a state that i know is good. and then see if it gets better.

the only other thing i can think of is this. i calculate hand positions and with it all of the body positions based off not only the wand position but the hidden 1st person hand position. if something there is getting cross maybe that could be doing something. i'm going to study the screen shot you showed along with some others i saw and see if i can piece together what could be getting corrupted. i'll let you know if i get a debug build you can try.

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

one more thing. if you disable FRIK. go into the game does everything look ok? then assuming it does if you make a new save and exit out, reenable frik, and jump back in does it get fixed?

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

I just noticed something I must have missed. I have a mod called Idle Hands Fix enabled. It's listed as an optimization mod. I'm going to see if disabling that does anything, and then I'll try what you suggested

Edit: Disabling Idle Hands Fix didn't do anything, but it was worth a check

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

I disabled FRIK, saved, then enabled FRIK, and it fixed my body! I didn't notice any issues image

rollingrock commented 2 years ago

ok nice! at least we have a work around! i'll keep thinking about how to reset that weirdness actually in game.

also nice picture haha!

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

Fantastic! I'm going to keep playing the game like normal, and I'll let you know if I encounter any more issues

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

I went a good half hour without encountering a single bug, but then I found one regarding power armor. While in power armor, the control scheme changes, with right grip being used to open the vanilla inventory, which I assume is intended. I can also open the main menu like usual. However, if I exit the power armor, the controls don't seem to work properly, with the main menu button no longer working, and some other weirdness I'm trying to figure out.

Should I open a new GitHub issue for this?

Emblin13 commented 2 years ago

Another issue I found is that if I save while in power armor, I can't load that save without crashing to desktop. Since it seems like I cannot save after exiting power armor, and because saves while inside power armor don't work, this means there is no way of saving once a player has entered power armor at any point. I have the debug info down below.