rollno748 / Extended-csv-dataset-config

This plugin will enable Apache JMeter users to have similar parameter advantage as LoadRunner
MIT License
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The verion 2.0 (extended-csv-dataset-config-2.0) does not work with JMeter 5.5 or 5.6.2 #15

Closed vin4winning closed 10 months ago

vin4winning commented 10 months ago

Hello @rollno748 - The JMeter script which has the extended csv data set to any request in the script, does not open in JMeter and shows a dialog to install the plug-in first. Up on installing the plug-in "extended-csv-dataset-config-2.0" and restarting JMeter, it still does not open the script and shows the same message to install the plugin.

I am assuming JMeter is not detecting the installed plug-in "extended-csv-dataset-config-2.0" (still shows in available plug-ins tab of plug-in manager after installation too).

Note: I removed the jar file 2.0 from ext folder of lib directory and replaced with version 1.1 (di-extended-csv-1.1.jar) and it works fine. So the problem is with version 2.0

rollno748 commented 10 months ago

Hi Thanks for reporting this issue - Can you please provide a sample jmeter.log /jmx file to investigate furuther

rollno748 commented 10 months ago


I did a quick try on JMeter-5.5 where i don't see any issue with it




I dont see any issues with it - Can you please share your jmeter.log file ?

vin4winning commented 10 months ago

Hello @rollno748: Here is a screen print of the dialog I am seeing when opening the script.

JMeter5 5_Error

rollno748 commented 10 months ago

If you could share the jmeter.log - that would be of great help to suggest you some information

rollno748 commented 10 months ago

You have jar conflicts - that might cause this kind of weird behaviour with JMeter You should fix that first

Try removing the below plugins/lib and give it a try

jmeter-bzm-correlation-recorder-2.1.jar jmeter-bzm-correlation-recorder-2.0.3.jar


vin4winning commented 10 months ago

Sure, thanks! I removed the log file now.

vin4winning commented 10 months ago

The version 1.1 of the extended csv dataset config works fine though! very strange.

rollno748 commented 10 months ago

Did removing the above conflicts, fixed the issue ?

vin4winning commented 10 months ago

I haven't tried yet. Will do later today or tomorrow and get back. Thanks though for suggesting :)

rollno748 commented 10 months ago

Any updates ?

vin4winning commented 10 months ago

Hi, I tried now and it still did not work after resolving the conflicts. Here is the exception I see:

CannotResolveClassException: com.di.jmeter.config.ExtendedCsvDataSet

Detail:com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException: ---- Debugging information ---- cause-exception : com.thoughtworks.xstream.converters.ConversionException cause-message : first-jmeter-class : class : required-type : converter-type : path : /jmeterTestPlan/hashTree/hashTree/hashTree[6]/hashTree/com.di.jmeter.config.ExtendedCsvDataSet line number : 3455 version : 5.5

rollno748 commented 10 months ago

This is due to missing plugin in your jmeter - try installing the plugin

vin4winning commented 10 months ago

Hi! I just have put both 1.1 and 2.0 versions of Jar file in ../lib/ext and I am able to open the script now. Anyways, sounds like this is only an issue on my machine, so fine to close the issue.

vin4winning commented 10 months ago

Also, thank you for this plug-in. This is great!

rollno748 commented 10 months ago

Thanks - keep supporting 👍