Update to most stable Go release. At the time of this issue creation Go 1.23 was the most stable release. We may also consider updating to a less recent release within reason. That is if updating to a version one or two behind makes for an easier process due to dependency incompatibilities like specific packages be used. We should also consider how updating may impact the future potential of using TinyGo making it more easy or difficult. Always consider how hedge could be deployed on WASM. Either our own managed infrastructure and/or one of the several vendors out there providing WASM Cloud hosting. Also important to note that AWS Lambda environment incompatibilities should have been neutralized when hedge was migrated to the AWS required lambda environment for binaries since unfortunately aws discontinued the dedicated Go Lambda Environment.
Update to most stable Go release. At the time of this issue creation Go 1.23 was the most stable release. We may also consider updating to a less recent release within reason. That is if updating to a version one or two behind makes for an easier process due to dependency incompatibilities like specific packages be used. We should also consider how updating may impact the future potential of using TinyGo making it more easy or difficult. Always consider how hedge could be deployed on WASM. Either our own managed infrastructure and/or one of the several vendors out there providing WASM Cloud hosting. Also important to note that AWS Lambda environment incompatibilities should have been neutralized when hedge was migrated to the AWS required lambda environment for binaries since unfortunately aws discontinued the dedicated Go Lambda Environment.