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Research Tailwind Integration #320

Open ng-druid opened 1 year ago

ng-druid commented 1 year ago

Create separate repo tailwind-search

Determine how current build process can have tail wind integrated.

Also using tail wind alongside material or what are the options here to limit conflicts funky styling.

I think now that a build process is in play many of the original hurdles with tail wind integration are mute. Especially with pre-rendering and if tailwind can parse json files for classes even better.

On local dev environments the full css file will be used. This keeps things simple. Only need to worry about optimization on dev and prod stripping kitchen sink file.

Confirmed that json files can be feed into tail wind. Therefore, most of the pieces are in place to make this a reality. The one exception would be sheath files. Those are not currently stored inside git. They are on aws s3. The easiest way to also include those files will be to store them inside git. For simplicity that might just mean a lambda that copies them to the git objects repo. Either that or go the distance and allow the vertigo media api to upload to git. The trade off worth knowing is that committing programmatically to the GitHub api takes significantly more time than directly uploading to s3 in the browser.