rollthecloudinc / quell

Climate aware CMS breaking web apps free from carbon emissions.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Vigor #340

Open ng-druid opened 1 year ago

ng-druid commented 1 year ago

api: carbonhack22: Hooks:

Outbound AWS calls will favor AVAILABLE origin locations with best suited grid intensity levels based on info consumed via the GWF Carbon Aware SDK and/or API. Once the ideal target location is discovered the request to AWS will be rewritten in the background automatically. The implementation of the rewrite can be handled in several ways. In summary though the approach will be similar to load balancing. Except rather than picking the target based on traffic instead the target will be determined on carbon intensity. This will happen not at the server level but at the browser level using one or more of the following strategies.

This will also need to work with separate infrastructures.

Current Services:

These are the current services already integrated without carbon awareness. Probably best to start with what we have.


Operates globally already.

Open Search

running separate nodes in each region x az super expensive. Unless the entire cluster was moved around…


I think vertigo needs to be deployed to multiple region to facilitate this. The idea would be prior to making requests to vertigo detect carbon intensity levels of covered regions/zones choosing the one with the best balance of clean energy and proximity to the user. This concept can also be replicated for the native aws rest api.

This sort of fits hooks. Hooks could be used to augment the outbound request. Angular interceptor plugin could also be used.

It’s really not a plugin but an alter hook. Alters http request before sending. Very similar in concept to what us being done in Vulcan entity save scoutcard interceptor.



We could make this the hook integration a spell instead of adding too core. Think on it.

Highest priority are replicating vertigo across regions/a-z and settings up a service or two to add for direct communication that sits in region/a-z. We also need to start flushing out the implementation details of the algorithm for lowest intensity discovery.

Was leaning toward but