rollymaduk / new-gitunion-single-test

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Obligations of the Manager #59

Open git-union-dev[bot] opened 3 months ago

git-union-dev[bot] commented 3 months ago

Obligations of the Manager

As a stakeholder, I want to ensure that the Manager adheres to their obligations under the management contract so that the standards and expectations of management are clearly defined and met.

Acceptance Criteria

  actor Stakeholder
  participant Manager as Manager
  participant Company as Company
  Stakeholder->>Manager: Ensure monthly reports are prepared
  Manager-->>Company: Monthly reports provided within 15 days
  Stakeholder->>Manager: Provide authorization for third-party dealings
  Manager->>Company: Engage with third parties as authorized
  Stakeholder->>Manager: Monitor time and attention dedicated to Company
  Manager-->>Company: Reports on activities and time allocation
  Manager->>Company: Relay offers and proposals immediately
  Manager-xCompany: Maintain confidentiality
  Manager->>Company: Ensure compliance with laws and regulations