As a user, I want to be able to add properties to a favorites list so that I can easily view the properties I'm interested in later on.
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] User can view a list of their favorited properties.
[ ] User can add a property to their favorites list from the property listing API.
[ ] User can remove a property from their favorites list.
[ ] The API for favorites is secured and only accessible to authenticated users.
[ ] The list of favorited properties is persisted and available on future visits.
[ ] Favorited properties can be sorted by date added.
[ ] User can filter favorited properties by criteria (e.g., location, price).
participant User
participant FavoritesAPI
User->>FavoritesAPI: GET /favorites
FavoritesAPI->>User: Response with list of favorites
User->>FavoritesAPI: POST /favorites { propertyId }
FavoritesAPI-->>User: Confirmation of addition
User->>FavoritesAPI: DELETE /favorites { propertyId }
FavoritesAPI-->>User: Confirmation of removal
Favorites Feature
As a user, I want to be able to add properties to a favorites list so that I can easily view the properties I'm interested in later on.
Acceptance Criteria