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User Story: Gallery Browsing #68

Open git-union-dev[bot] opened 8 months ago

git-union-dev[bot] commented 8 months ago

User Story: Gallery Browsing

As an art collector, I want to view multiple high-resolution images within a gallery on the website, so that I can browse the artworks effortlessly.

Acceptance Criteria

    User->>Website: Opens the gallery
    Website->>Server: Requests high-resolution images
    Server-->>Website: Sends image data
    Website->>User: Displays the images smoothly
    loop Browse Through Gallery
        User->>Website: Navigate to next/previous image
        Website-->>User: Show next/previous image
    User->>Website: Select image for details/zoom
    Website-->>User: Display details/zoom view
    [*] --> Loading
    Loading --> Gallery
    Gallery --> ZoomedImage: On image click/tap
    ZoomedImage --> [*]
git-union-dev[bot] commented 8 months ago

GitUnion is generating specs for this issue... it may take a few minutes

git-union-dev[bot] commented 8 months ago

Invalid task