Relocatable Ocean Modelling in PYthon (rompy) combines templated cookie-cutter model configuration with various xarray extensions to assist in the setup and evaluation of coastal ocean model
The below code generates a synthetic mesh that cause a failure on plotting the grid.plot. We are seeing this problem on real meshes. A fix is proposed in the branch schism_plotting_fix but I'm not sure if it removes existing functionality and is as yet untested.
def create_sample_gr3(filename='sample.gr3'):
# Simpler mesh for testing
nx, ny = 5, 4
x = np.linspace(0, 100, nx)
y = np.linspace(0, 80, ny)
X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y)
nodes_x = X.flatten()
nodes_y = Y.flatten()
depths = np.ones_like(nodes_x) * 10
# Create elements
elements = []
for j in range(ny-1):
for i in range(nx-1):
node1 = j*nx + i
node2 = j*nx + i + 1
node3 = (j+1)*nx + i
node4 = (j+1)*nx + i + 1
elements.append([node1+1, node2+1, node3+1])
elements.append([node2+1, node4+1, node3+1])
logger.debug(f"Creating mesh with {len(nodes_x)} nodes and {len(elements)} elements")
# Store the content first to debug
content = []
# Header
# Number of elements and nodes
content.append(f'{len(elements)} {len(nodes_x)}')
# Nodes
for i in range(len(nodes_x)):
content.append(f'{i+1} {nodes_x[i]:.1f} {nodes_y[i]:.1f} {depths[i]:.1f}')
# Elements
for i, elem in enumerate(elements):
content.append(f'{i+1} 3 {elem[0]} {elem[1]} {elem[2]}')
# Store the content first to debug
content = []
# Header
# Number of elements and nodes
content.append(f'{len(elements)} {len(nodes_x)}')
# Nodes
for i in range(len(nodes_x)):
content.append(f'{i+1} {nodes_x[i]:.1f} {nodes_y[i]:.1f} {depths[i]:.1f}')
# Elements
for i, elem in enumerate(elements):
content.append(f'{i+1} 3 {elem[0]} {elem[1]} {elem[2]}')
# Open boundaries
content.append('2') # Number of open boundaries
content.append('') # Empty line that will be skipped
# Left boundary
left_nodes = list(range(1, ny+1))
content.append(f'{len(left_nodes)} 2') # number of nodes and boundary type
for node in left_nodes:
content.append(f'{node} 2')
# Right boundary
right_nodes = list(range(nx*(ny-1)+1, nx*ny+1))
content.append(f'{len(right_nodes)} 2')
for node in right_nodes:
content.append(f'{node} 2')
# Land boundaries
content.append('0') # Number of land boundaries
content.append('') # Empty line for consistency
# Write content to file - ensure no empty lines at the end
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
f.write('\n'.join(content)) # Join with newlines
f.write('\n') # Single final newline
return pathlib.Path(filename).absolute()
# After creating the file, let's also examine it directly
def examine_file_detailed(filename):
"""Examine file contents in detail"""
print("\nDetailed file examination:")
with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
content =
print(f"Total file size: {len(content)} bytes")
lines = content.split(b'\n')
print(f"Number of lines: {len(lines)}")
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
print(f"Line {i+1:3d}: Length={len(line):3d} Hex={line.hex()} Text='{line.decode()}'")
# Create and examine the mesh
mesh_file = create_sample_gr3()
# Try to read with pyschism
print("\nAttempting to read with pyschism...")
grid =
print("Successfully read grid!")
except Exception as e:
print(f"\nError reading grid: {str(e)}")
# Find where it failed
with open(mesh_file, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
header = lines[0]
ne, np = map(int, lines[1].split())
current_line = 2 + np + ne # Skip header, size line, nodes, and elements
print(f"\nFailed while trying to parse line {current_line + 1}:")
print(f"Line content (hex): {lines[current_line].encode().hex()}")
print(f"Line content (text): '{lines[current_line].strip()}'")
The below code generates a synthetic mesh that cause a failure on plotting the grid.plot. We are seeing this problem on real meshes. A fix is proposed in the branch schism_plotting_fix but I'm not sure if it removes existing functionality and is as yet untested.